Strengthening and Repair of Structures


The main objectives of the discipline are to divulge inspection of structures procedures, design techniques and methodologies for the repair and strengthening of structures.

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:
1. Carry out the inspection of a structure;
2. Prepare the technical report of the inspection;
3. Select, prepare and apply concrete repair mortars;
4. Develop a structural strengthening design, using the most appropriate strengthening technique in each particular case;
5. Develop a structural repair design, using the methodology and the repair materials best suited to each specific case;
6. Prepare the technical specifications for the construction.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Manuel Chastre Rodrigues


Weekly - 4

Total - 63

Teaching language



Reinforced Concrete Structures I is very helpful to succeed in Strengthening and Repair of Structures.


. Lúcio, V.; Chastre, C.; Sebenta de Ref. e Rep. de Estruturas, 2014.
· Chastre Rodrigues, C.; Rep. e Ref. de Estruturas de BA com Sistemas Compósitos de FRP. Publicação UNIC DTC6, 2005.
· Helene, Paulo; Corrosão em Armaduras para C. Armado; São Paulo, PINI, IPT, 1986. 45 p..
· Andrade, Carmen; Manual para Diagnóstico de Obras Deterioradas por Corrosão de Armaduras; São Paulo, PINI, Nov. 1992. 105 p.
· Cánovas, M. F.; Patologia e Terapia do Concreto Armado; São Paulo, PINI, Nov. 1988. 522 p..
· FIP Guide to good practice: Repair and strengthening of structures; Thomas Telford, Londres, 1991. 38 p.
· Emmons, Peter H.; Concrete repair maintenance illustrated; R.S. Means Company; Kingstone,1994, 295p.
· NP ENV 1992-1-1; EC 2.
· NP-EN 206.
· Especificação LNEC E378.
· Draft prENV 1998-1-4; EC 8. Part 1-4.
· CEB Bulletin 233.
· ACI – SP 165.

Teaching method

The topics of the course are addressed in theoretical classes, practical classes and labs.
During the theoretical lectures, various concepts are presented and explained as well as the principles and methods, and they include the resolution of some illustrative problems. In the practical classes, students are encouraged to solve, individually or in groups, the proposed exercises.
In addition to the theoretical and practical classes, lectures with specialists and/or site work visits are organized.
Students participate in inspection works, in structural strengthening design and laboratory classes.
The assessment is continuous, without a final exam, and includes the inspection report of a structure, and a structural strengthening design, which are presented and discussed at the end of the semester.

Evaluation method

This is a project discipline and the assessment is continuous and includes 2 group projects and the oral presentation and discussion:

- The inspection report of a structure (A);

- The strengthening design of a structure (B);

- Oral presentation and discussion (C).

In any evaluation moment, students must also take into consideration the provisions of nº3 of article 10º of the ''''Evaluation Rules of FCT NOVA'''': “When fraud or plagiarism is proven in any of the evaluation elements of a UC, students directly involved are outright disapproved at UC, (…). ”

Subject matter

1. Durability of structures
2. Inspection of structures, structural damage and others
3. Strengthening of reinforced concrete structures
i. with steel plates or FRP composites;
ii. by reinforced concrete jacketing;
iii. by post tensioning;
iv. by structural modification of layout.
4. Strengthening of masonry structures
5. Strengthening of steel structures
6. Repair of structures