Management and Water Quality
Available soon
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Manuela Malhado Simões Ribeiro
Weekly - 4
Total - 84
Teaching language
Available soon
Gestão estratégia: Conceitos, modelos e instrumentos by António J. Robalo Santos. Escolar Editora, 2008
Water utilization, energy utilization and waste water management in the dairy industry: a review by Rad, R. J., Lewis, M.J, Int. J. Dairy Technol. 67 (1), 1-20, 2014
The Management of Water Quality and Irrigation Technologies. Edited by Jose Albiac & Ariel Dinar, 2009
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse by George Tchobanoglous et al. Fifht edition, McGraw-Hill. Boston, 2014
Water Resources Management, An International Journal Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA), Vo. 21, Issue 1, pp: 35-48, 49-62, 79-95, 97-110, 171-184, 2007
A new indicator to estimate the efficiency of water and energy use in agro-industries by Beatriz Carrasquer et al. Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, pp.462-473, 2017
Teaching method
Lectures and experimental classes. In the experimental sessions, students are invited to apply advanced theoretical and analytical skills in the analysis of water composition. Titration, selective electrode and chromatographic methods are used to analyze surface and groundwater. Design of a project about water management and planning including scientific literature research. Field trips to a waste water treatment station and a water supply system.
Evaluation method
Tradução em curso.
Subject matter
Introduction to basic management concepts. Water management. Water uses and scarcity. Economic, social and environmental value of surface and groundwater. Technologies and methodologies that support a sustainable water use. Public and private policies of water use and management. Laws and legal frame. Management units (hydrographical basin and aquifer system). Water quality and suitability for human activities (municipal, agricultural, industrial and mining). Physical, chemical, radioactive and bacteriological indicators of water quality. Natural and artificial resources of water. Recycling and reuse of water in urban, industrial and agro industrial systems. Protecting water quality. Pollutants and water treatment systems.
Programs where the course is taught: