Seminário em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais
The objective is to provide students with the current state of the art in nuclear areas of knowledge, such as Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Polymers, Ceramics, metals, among others, through the experiences of experts invited or PhD students working in these areas. In addition, there will be seminars dedicated to the generalist training that involve economic topics, employability, behavioral atituted and citizenship. This discipline has more an informative and generalistic training structure. All the speakers will be requested to make the lectures not highly complex scientifically, but rather to opening up them and connecting knowledge to the real world, by highlighting the application component.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Daniela da Silva Nunes Gomes, Hugo Manuel Brito Águas
Weekly - 3
Total - 44
Teaching language
There are no mandatory precedence. However it is assumed that students have basic knowledge of mathematics, physics chemistry that will enable them to understand the scientific and technical topics presented.
PDf of the ppt presented by experts invited will be available at CLIP
Teaching method
Promote a set of seminars given by experts (domestic and foreign) in different areas of knowledge. The duration of each seminar will be 45 minutes, serving the second hour for debate. May co-exist 2 seminars delivered by different speakers in the same session. In this case students have to answer a set of questions, about the form of tutorial lectures concerned.
The seminars are given using Datashow, with the eventual presentation of demonstrators, whenever possible, followed by discussion and response to a set of issues associated with the seminar presented
Providing a website with study material (pdf presentations) and your submission, prior to the execution of the same
In the middle and at the end, there are scheduled seminaries discussions on formative and informative aspects, where they will discuss the results of the seminars delivered so far.
Alterado: Agente de sistemaEm: 2016-06-06 23:27
Evaluation method
Students are assessed through their participation in seminars and discussions of middle term (15%) and the submission of replies to the questionnaires associated with each of the presentations/seminars made (85%) (set of at least 12 questionnaires, with a maximum 30-minute response, that bylaw done during the school time of discipline).
Subject matter
The program takes into account the set of comprehensive areas intended to give knowledge to students, varying from year to year, depending on the profiles of guest speakers for this purpose. Comprehensively the program aims to provide students with the importance and relevance of research and innovation for the society, as a way to generate wealth and promote employment. In addition, aims at promoting the concepts of teamwork, entrepreneurship, management and communication of information. Thus, the topics to be discussed include areas of Sciences technologies (Nanotechnologies; Advanced Materials; Biotechnology; Information Sciences and technologies; Life sciences; Manufacturing; Energy); Citizenship; Economy; Sociology of Work; Quality.
Polymeric, ceramic, metal, composite materials, among other materials, will be covered in the seminars.
Programs where the course is taught: