Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering

Education objectives

Available soon

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Available soon


João Paulo Serejo Goulão Crespo

Opening date

Available soon


Available soon


1st year: 6.350 €; 2nd year and following: 2.750 €/anual


It depends on the working method of each training course. The working time for the classes will be agreed with each PhD student, or when there are more than 10 students in each year, it will be agreed with all students of the programme.

Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 3 years

Credits: 180 ECTS

Mandatory scientifc areas

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Chemical Engineering EQ 168 0-6
Complementary Sciences CC - 0-6
Free Option OPA - 6
TOTAL 168 12

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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1.º Trimester
Code Name ECTS
9890 Industrial Catalysis and Chemical Reactors 6.0
9893 Introduction to Scientific Research 8.0
9892 Advanced Separation Systems 6.0
2.º Trimester
Code Name ECTS
9894 Process Systems Engineering 6.0
9895 Energy and Environment Management 6.0
9896 Thesis Project I 8.0
3.º Trimester
Code Name ECTS
9898 Thesis Project II 8.0
3.º Trimester - Opção I
Code Name ECTS
9902 Polymer Science and Technology 6.0
9901 Complementary Industrial Skills 6.0
9899 Process Control and Supervision 6.0
9900 Petroleum Refining and Renewable Fuels 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
3.º Year
Code Name ECTS
9903 Thesis in Refining, Petrochemical and Chemical Engineering 120.0
Opção II (Livre): Podem ser escolhidas quaisquer disciplinas das Universidades que participam neste programa (ou de outra instituição de ensino superior ou de investigação nacional ou estrangeira, desde que exista acordo com uma das Universidades participantes), que perfaçam pelo menos 6 ECTS. Esta escolha está no entanto sujeita a aprovação pela coordenação do programa. Para efeitos do Plano de Estudos apenas serão contabilizados 6 ECTS nesta unidade curricular.