Organic Chemistry I
Provide students with a basic training in Organic Chemistry
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Cristina de Sério Branco
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Available soon
Textbook:Clayden, J., Greeves ,N., Warren, S. and Wothers, P., "Organic Chemistry", Oxford University Press 2nd Ed, 2012
Other bibliographic sources:Santos, P. P., “Química Orgânica volume I”, IST Press, 1ªedição, 2011. Volhardt, K.; Schore, N.E. “Organic Chemistry”, W.H. Freeman & Co., 3ª Ed., 1999
Teaching method
Lectures use modern multimedia techniques. A dynamic interaction student-tutor is established. Laboratory classes are carried out in an adequately equipped laboratory.
Evaluation method
According to the FCT/UNL Assessment Regulations, the Course of Organic Chemistry I have the following evaluation components:
It is required to obtain the frequency of the course, which requires the achievement of the pratical component and participation in 2/3 of the theoretical-practical sessions.
Ongoing assessment involves performing one presential test (Época 1) and five short tests at theoretical-practical sessions (online) and laboratory component (P) below . The tests and the short tests of theoretical-practical sessions may be replaced by a final exam (Época 2), but the other portions of the assessment will stand.
The final evaluation results from the application of the following calculation formula:
(test (Época 1) x 0.35 + score average of short tests x 0.35 (or final exam score - Época 2)* + score from the practice component** x 0.3 = final score (should be greater than or equal to 9.5 for course approval)
* = The average grade obtained in the two tests or in the final exam will have to be compulsorily equal or superior than 9.5.
**= The score obtained in laboratory component will have to be compulsorily equal or superior than 9.5.
Note:Studentshave purchasedin previous yearsfrequencycomponenttheoretical-practicaland laboratoryreplaced bythe recorded score,it will havea total weight of0.3in the final formule.
Practical component (P):
• performance evaluation in the laboratory (40%)
• report of a practical assignment (report of work 3) (25%).
• Questionnaires of practical work (25%), evaluation of the laboratory notebook (10%)
Subject matter
1. Organic compound structures
1.1 Organic compounds Importance in industry and society.
1.2 Atomic and molecular orbitals.
1.3 Organic molecules. Some important functional groups. Trivial and systematic nomenclature. Physical chemical properties.
1.4 Chemical reaction concept. Electronic flow and reactivity. Bases, acids, nucleophiles and electrophiles. Graphical representation of the mechanism of a chemical reaction. Application of molecular orbital theory
Participation and energy coefficients of frontier molecular orbitals.
2. Carbonyl group chemistry
2.1 Carbonyl group electronic structure.
2.2 Direct nucleophilic addition reactions to the carbonyl group.
2.3 Delocalization and conjugation.
2.4 Conjugated nucleophilic addition reactions to α, β-unsaturated carbonyl.
2.5 Carboxylic acids and derivatives.
2.6 Addition and substitution reactions on carboxylic acids and derivatives.
2.7 Chemical equilibrium, rate and reaction mechanism. Reaction Profiles. Concept of intermediate and transition state of a chemical reaction. Activation energy. Kinetic and thermodynamic control of a reaction.
3. Stereochemistry
3.1 Structural isomer and stereoisomer.
3.2 Chirality Enantiomeria and diastereomeria. Molecular symmetry. Configuration Specification, CIP Rules (Cahn Ingold e Prelog).
3.3 Optical activity. Racemization. Resolution of racemic mixtures.
4. Conformational analysis
4.1 Conformation vs Configuration.
4.2 Conformation of linear and cyclic saturated and unsaturated compounds
Programs where the course is taught: