Physical Chemistry II


To supply strong knowledge to the students about Chemical Thermodynamics, Physical Chemistry of Surfaces, Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics of the Chemical Reaction.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Isabel Nobre Martins Aguiar de Oliveira Ricardo, João Carlos da Silva Barbosa Sotomayor


Weekly - 4

Total - 58

Teaching language



No requirements


“Physical Chemistry”,  Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, and James Keeler, 11th edition, 2018, Oxford University Press.

“Physical Chemistry”,  Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula, 8th edition, 2006, Oxford University Press.

“Termodinâmica Aplicada”,  Edmundo J. S. Gomes de Azevedo, 3rd  ed. 2011, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.

"Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics", J.I. Steinfeld, J.S. Francisco, W.L.Hase, 1999, Prentice Hall

“Cinética Química”, João Sotomayor, 2003, Lidel-edições técnicas, Lisboa.

"Adsorption by Powders and porous solids", F. Rouquerol, J. Rouquerol, K Sing, 1999, Academic Press.

"Physical Chemistry, a molecular approach", D.A. McQuarrie, J.D. Simon, 1997, U. Science Books

“Physical Chemistry of Surfaces”, 6th ed. , Arthur W. Adamson & Alice P. Gast, John Wiley & Sons,  1997, NY.

“Surfaces”, Gary Attard and Colin Barnes,2004, Oxford University Press, NY.

Teaching method

Lectures and problem-solving sessions, lab sessions.

Evaluation method

Theorical assessment:  3 mid-term tests or final exame. Weight of 1st test: 40%. Weight of 2nd test: 30%. Weight of 3rd test: 30%. Final exam has 100% weight in final grade. Minimum theorical assessment grade: 9,5 val. Weight of theorical assessment grade: 70%

 Laboratorial assessment (grade >9,5) include 4 lab sessions, oral presentation and discussion of one of the lab sessions. Weight of lab assessment grade: 30%

Final mark: 0,7 theory mark + 0,3 lab mark

Subject matter

1) Chemical Thermodynamics

 1.1) The conservation of energy & 1st law of Thermodynamics.

 1.2) Thermochemistry

 1.3) The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics:applications.

 1.4) Gibbs equations. Chemical potencial.

 1.5) Phase equilibrium and chemical equilibrium.

 1.6) Partial molar properties and mixture properties.

 2) Solutions

 2.1) Ideal solutions. Raoult''''''''''''''''s Law and Henry''''''''''''''''s Law.

 2.2) Real solutions, Activity and the Activity coefficient. Excess properties.

 3) Surface Physical Chemistry

3.1) Surface Tension.
  3.1.1) Surface concentration excess.
   3.1.2) Temperature dependence.
   3.1.3) Binary mixture composition dependence.
    3.1.4) Experimental determination.
  3.2) Adsorption.
   3.2.1) The Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
    3.2.2) The B.E.T. adsorption isotherm.
     3.2.3) Other isotherms.
     3.2.4) Chemisorption.
   4) Chemical Kinetics
     4.1) Rate laws.
    4.2) Temperature dependence: the activation energy.
   4.3) Steady-state approximation.
   4.4) Complex reactions. Chain reactions. Photochemical reactions. Polymerisation reactions. Oscillating reactions.
  5) Molecular reaction dynamics and catalysis
  5.1) Collision theory.
   5.2) Activated complex theory.
  5.3) Dynamics of molecular collisions.
  5.4) Catalysis.