
Education objectives

Mathematics is a science that underpins all scientific and technological areas, and also the Economics and Social Sciences.

The main objective of the course that now presents itself is to provide a sound basic training in mathematics, balanced in its various aspects, covering the areas of knowledge essential to the development in later cycles (2. And 3. Cycles) of advanced training. It is intended that this training provides the necessary basis for further studies in the area of ​​Mathematics Education or in the area of ​​Applied Mathematics.

As an example of areas in applied mathematics, to develop in later cycles, according to the specific skills of the faculty of the Mathematics Department of the FCT to mention: Actuarial; Algebra and Logic, Numerical Analysis and Differential Equations, Operational Research and Optimization, Probability and Statistics.

Statistics is the art of extracting information. It has applications, among others, market research, design and interpretation of experiences and Financial Mathematics. The Operational Research is aimed at creating models that allow the study of complex systems and optimal use of resources. The Actuarial Science aim to study the risk (life, accident risk, risk in the stock market). Differential Equations and its Numerical treatment are the foundation of modern physics and engineering, are still present in many biological processes and economic.

Algebra and Logic as core areas of mathematics are also largely responsible for the development of information and recent computational techniques.

Mathematics Education aims at training teachers for Basic and Secondary Education.

General characterization

DGES code



Bachelor (1st Cycle)



Access to other programs

Access to 2nd cycle


Jorge Orestes Lasbarrères Cerdeira

Opening date



Available soon


Portuguese students: 697 €/year

Foreign students: 7000 €/year

(Students from CPLP countries may apply for a reduction of up to 50% of tuition fees, subject to the following conditions:

  1. 1st Registration: students must demonstrate through their academic certificates that their academic performance is in the first quartile of the evaluation scale used in the system of their country or school of origin;

  2. Subsequent enrollments (regardless of the year of entry): exclusively for academic merit, that is, approval in all UCs in which the student enrolled in the previous year, totaling 60 ECTS each year.



Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration : 3 years
Credits : 
180 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Transferable Skills CC 3 0
Social Sciences and Humanities  CHS 3 0
Physics  F 3 0
Informatics  I 6 0
Mathematics  M 135 24
Any Scientific Area  QAC 0 6(a)
TOTAL 150 30

(a) 6 ECTS in courses chosen by the student on a list approved annually by the Scientific Council of FCT NOVAwhich includes the unity of all scientific areas of FCT NOVA.

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

The evaluation of all UCs is continuous for all the components that integrate it, and it must be completed by the last day of the school term of the academic semester.

The continuous evaluation of a UC must include a minimum of three elements in the set of evaluation components, on dates adequately spaced throughout the period of classes.

All UCs with a theoretical-practical evaluation component must provide, in addition, a form of evaluation of this component by exam, to be carried out after the period of classes (Examination of Appeal).

All requirements and conditions related to the evaluation of the UC, namely the minimum weights and classifications, if any, of each component, as well as the Frequency conditions, are defined a priori and, mandatorily, published in the Discipline Form.

For each UC, combinations of three evaluation components are allowed: (i) Theoretical-practical evaluation; (ii) Laboratory or project evaluation; (iii) Summative assessment.

Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos (Licenciaturas, Mestrados Integrados e Mestrados.)


1.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10970 Linear Algebra I 6.0
10969 Mathematical Analysis I A 9.0
10971 Introduction to Logic and Elementary Mathematics 9.0
3622 Introduction to Programming 6.0
2.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10973 Linear Algebra II 9.0
10972 Mathematical Analysis II A 6.0
10352 Soft Skills for Science and Technology 3.0
10974 Geometry 6.0
10975 Probability and Statistics I 6.0
3.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10977 Algebra I 9.0
10976 Mathematical Analysis III A 6.0
10979 Numerical Analysis I 6.0
10978 Probability and Statistics II 9.0
4.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
10981 Algebra II 6.0
10980 Mathematical Analysis IV A 6.0
10982 Numerical Analysis II 6.0
10358 Science, Technology and Society 3.0
10942 Introduction to Physics 3.0
10983 Linear Optimization 6.0
5.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
7813 Complex Analysis 6.0
7814 Differential equations 6.0
3107 Introduction to Operational Research 6.0
7816 Measure Integration and Probability 6.0
10984 Topology and Introduction to Functional Analysis 6.0
6.º Semester - Opção A
Code Name ECTS
10986 Computational Algebra 3.0
10985 Mathematics of Finance 3.0
10987 Introduction to Set Theory 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 3.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester - Opção B1
Code Name ECTS
3121 Applied Statistics 6.0
10837 Differential Geometry 6.0
10836 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Applications 6.0
10988 Introduction to Calculus of Variations 6.0
10839 Introduction to Graph Theory 6.0
10838 Introduction to Number Theory 6.0
7818 Analytical Mechanics 6.0
7820 Systems Modelling 6.0
3120 Stochastic Processes 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester - Opção B2
Code Name ECTS
3121 Applied Statistics 6.0
10837 Differential Geometry 6.0
10836 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Applications 6.0
10988 Introduction to Calculus of Variations 6.0
10839 Introduction to Graph Theory 6.0
10838 Introduction to Number Theory 6.0
7818 Analytical Mechanics 6.0
7820 Systems Modelling 6.0
3120 Stochastic Processes 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester - Opção B3
Code Name ECTS
3121 Applied Statistics 6.0
10837 Differential Geometry 6.0
10836 Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Applications 6.0
10988 Introduction to Calculus of Variations 6.0
10839 Introduction to Graph Theory 6.0
10838 Introduction to Number Theory 6.0
7818 Analytical Mechanics 6.0
7820 Systems Modelling 6.0
3120 Stochastic Processes 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester - Opção PIIC/PIPP
Code Name ECTS
10601 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program 3.0
10600 Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 3.0 créditos nesta opção.
6.º Semester - Unidade Curricular do Bloco Livre
Code Name ECTS
11066 Unrestricted Electives 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.

No 3.º ano os estudantes deverão realizar uma unidade curricular, escolhida pelo próprio, de entre as de um bloco definido em cada ano pelo Conselho Científico da FCT-UNL, bloco esse que inclui unidades de todas as áreas científicas da FCT-UNL.