Soft Skills for Science and Technology


This course is designed to help students develop the skills that are relevant to access the job market.

Students are introduced to soft skills relevant for the Science and Technology area.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ruy Araújo da Costa


Weekly - 5

Total - 42

Teaching language



This course has no prerequisites.


- Costa, R., Kullberg, J., Fonseca, J., Martins; N., “Competências Transversais para Ciências e Tecnologia – FCT/UNL” (2013) 

Teaching method

Online course based on Zoom and Moodle platforms.

Topics will be presented in 3 theoretical-practical sessions and 11 practical sessions (each lasting 3 hours).

 - in each  2h theoretical-practical session we present the topic’s fundamentals, the most common mistakes to be avoided and the main tools that can be used during the theme’s exploration.

Assessment of this course takes into account both the weekly individual and group work, as well as tests carried out in moodle e-learning platform, in a controlled environment.

Evaluation method

 1 Punctuality is required.

 2 – If a student does NOT attend at least 8 practical lessons AND a total of 11 of all (practical and theoretical-practical) lessons (s)he will fail the course.

 3 Evaluation is carried out exclusively with activities during classes. There are no exams.

 4 – No activities will be repeated, and no grade adjustments will be made for students that missed any given lesson.

 5 – Special justifications for missing any lesson may be reported to the Course Coordination.

 6 – Assessment envolves: Participation (15%), Individual Work (35%) and  Team Work (50%).

For any additional details, please contact the Course Coordination.

In Clip> Documentos de Apoio you can find the official Assessment Method (in Portuguese)

Subject matter

1 - Curriculum Vitae, Job interview and Psychometric testing.

2 - Time management, Team work and Leadership.

3 - Advanced use of Excel spreadsheets.

4 - Bibliographic research and critical analysis of scientific information. Ethics and Deontology.