Project in Biotechnology


To acquire skills on the planning of experimental work and critical analysis of results. To integrate the acquired knowledge on Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biotechnology  and other areas in a laboratory training project. 

To develop critical approach in the analysis and interpretation of experimental data.

To improve the skills to write and to orally present research results.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos da Silva Barbosa Sotomayor


Weekly - 1

Total - 225

Teaching language



The student must be at the last semester of graduation.


Specific recommended bibliography for the project under development.

Teaching method

Lab classes for the development of a scientific research theme

Evaluation method

Final grade is the sum of three components:
40% for the lab work assessment
30% of the report grade
30% of the oral presentation and discussion

Subject matter

Development of a research project on  scientific areas of biotechnology and other related areas. The complexity of the project should correspond to the 3rd year modules of the degree. Development of skills for planning and discipline in experimental work, and time management.