Technologies in STEM Education III


Knowledge of policies and national and international studies related to the teaching of STEM with technology:
Guidelines of the main documents published in recent decades about teaching STEM. Methodologies and results of international comparative studies (PISA , TIMSS, etc.).

Organizing spaces for teaching STEM.
Planning of teaching activities.
Preparing professional documents (tests, presentations, etc.) for teaching activities. Understanding the modes of knowledge production and its influence on teaching STEM. Skills:
Identify relevant literature on teaching STEM.
Use at a professional level word processing and imaging tools.
Using scientific software and data logging systems in teaching environments.
Read, interpret, criticize and systematize the literature on teaching STEM.
Create documents for use in the classroom, in a structured, coherent and concise manner.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Manuel Dias Domingos


Weekly - 3

Total - 135

Teaching language





Barton, R. (2004). Learning and Teaching Secondary Science with ICT. Open University Press.
Black, Paul, & Atkin, J. M. (Eds.). (2005). Changing the Subject, Innovations in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Taylor & Francis e-Library.
Di Justo, P., & Gertz, E. (2013). Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino, Building Simple Devices to Collect Data About the Environment. O''''Reilly.
ESRI. (2012). Advancing STEM Education with GIS.
Johnston-Wilder, S., & Pimm, D. (Eds.). (2005). Teaching Secondary Mathematics with ICT. Open University Press.
Martin Evans, J. N. A. J. H. (2013). Arduino in Action. Manning Publications Co.
Nemirovksy, R., Rosebery, A. S., Solomon, J., & Warren, B. (Eds.). (2005). Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics, Studies of Complex Classroom Events. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Sang, D., & Frost, R. (2005). Teaching Secondary Science Using Ict. Hodder Murray.

Teaching method

Exposure and discussion with the teacher and students, in general based on written or video documents. Practical and laboratory activities with scientific equipment and software. Student performances and simulation classes.
Creating documents for use in educational activities, individually and in groups. Analysis and discussion of these documents.

Observation and analysis of classes and other activities in primary and secondary education.
The evaluation is based on the portfolio of documents that each student builds throughout the course, as well as class participation and performance in class presentations and simulations.

Evaluation method

Exposure and discussion with the teacher and students, in general based on written or video documents. Practical and laboratory activities with scientific equipment and software. Student performances and simulation classes.
Creating documents for use in educational activities, individually and in groups. Analysis and discussion of these documents.

Observation and analysis of classes and other activities in primary and secondary education.
The evaluation is based on the portfolio of documents that each student builds throughout the course, as well as class participation and performance in class presentations and simulations.

Subject matter

Basic use of simulators for Astronomy (Celestia, Stellarium and AstroUNL). Interdisciplinarity using simulations of Astronomy.
Interactive whiteboards in teaching STEM.
Use of reference packages in teaching STEM (Phet, Geogebratube, Wolfram Demonstrations, etc..).

Use of GPS in interdisciplinary teaching STEM.
Java Application Development with Easy Java Simulations.
Arduino board, sensors and data acquisition systems. Programming in Processing. Planning teaching units with digital educational resources.