Interdisciplinary Seminar


On the most relevant investigations carried out in FCTUNL and their relevance to society.
On methodologies, issues, techniques, difficulties and "moods" of scientists FCTUNL.

Modes of knowledge production and its influence on teaching.

Relate the activity of scientists with the characteristics and needs of education. Read, interpret, criticize and systematizing of scientific literature.
Support and build documents describing problems of science.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Manuel Dias Domingos


Weekly - 2

Total - 52

Teaching language





Derry, G. N. (1999). What Science is and How it Works (pp. 1–323). Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. Fiolhais, C. (2011). A Ciência em Portugal (pp. 1–118). Lisboa: Fundacao Francisco Manuel dos Santos.

Gago, J. M., Ziman, J., Caro, P., Constantinou, C., Davies, G., Parchamannn, I., et al. (2004). Increasing Human Resources for Science and Technology in Europe (Report to the EC Conference Europe Needs More Scientists) (pp. 1–182). European Commission.

Rocard, M., Csermely, P., Jorde, D., & Lenzen, D. (2007). Science Education Now: A Renewed Pedagogy for the Future of Europe. European Commission.

Rutherford, F. J., & Ahlgren, A. (1995). Ciência para Todos. (C. C. Martins, Trans.) (1st ed., pp. 1–215). Lisboa: Gradiva.

Snow, C. P. (1964). The Two Cultures: And A Second Look (pp. 1–113). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Teaching method

The curricular unit will run with weekly conferences, followed by a debate with compulsory prior reading and online forum. Students will be required to participate in at least 4/5 of the conference.
The assessment of students will be continuous and will take into account the attendance and participation in conferences, as well as the preparation by each student of a paper (maximum of 15,000 characters, including spaces) on the subject of one or more conferences to an audience properly identified (eg, newspaper like "página
da educação" or an opinion text for a weekly or daily newspaper).

Evaluation method

The curricular unit will run with weekly conferences, followed by a debate with compulsory prior reading and online forum. Students will be required to participate in at least 4/5 of the conference.
The assessment of students will be continuous and will take into account the attendance and participation in conferences, as well as the preparation by each student of a paper (maximum of 15,000 characters, including spaces) on the subject of one or more conferences to an audience properly identified (eg, newspaper like "página
da educação" or an opinion text for a weekly or daily newspaper).

Subject matter

This is the Interdisciplinary Seminar, to be held in the third semester of the course. The emphasis will be on Research Topics in Physical Sciences and Mathematics.The coordination of the seminar each semester will choose a set of FCTUNL scientists, particularly young scientists, to prepare conferences about 1 hour, followed by discussion and preceded by prior reading on the topic of the conference. The debate will be further complemented with online forums.

Examples of possible themes, taking into account the subjects of ongoing investigation in May 2013: Transparent Oxide Material and Nanostructure
Glass-ceramic materials
Printed electrochemical devices

Solar cells based on oxide Lab-on-Paper
Hybrid and printed electronics X-Rays for Materials Characterization Solar-Pumped Lasers

Adsorption of liposomes on PEMs Wastewater treatment and valorization HRMAS NMR applied to bio-materials Cellulosome: a molecular machine Statistic Analisys of Extreme Values Clustering of extreme values