Research Methodology in Education
At the end of the curricular unit , each graduate student will have acquired knowledge and skills to:
- Know the main paradigms, research strategies and techniques for collecting and analyzing data in educational research;
- Understand the characteristics, possibilities and limitations of different methodological choices;
- Be able to develop a research project by completing all the steps that comprise it;
- Be able to select and justify the choice of methods and research techniques;
- Be able to critically analyze the research developed, both in terms of the results obtained and in terms of the procedures followed.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel Dias Domingos
Weekly - 3
Total - 92
Teaching language
Afonso, N. (2005), Investigação Naturalista em Educação Um guia prático e crítico, Porto: ASA.
Bogdan, R.& Bilken, S. (1994): Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Porto: Porto Editora.
Cardoso, T., Alarcão, I., Celorico, J. (2010) Revisão da Literatura e Sistematização de Conhecimento, Porto: Porto Editora.
Cohen, L.; Manion, L.; Morrison, K. (2005). Research Methods in Education.London and New York: Routledge Falmer.
Ghiglione, R & Matalon, B. (1993): O Inquérito, Teoria e Prática. Oeiras: Celta Editora.
Lessard-hébert, M.; Goyette, G.; Boutin, G. (1994). Investigação Qualitativa: Fundamentos e Práticas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Scott, D. & Usher, R. (1999). Researching Education: data, methods and theory in educational enquiry. London: Institute of Education.
Teaching method
and argumentation around scientific themes, the research and analysis of information relevant to the deepening of methodological issues of educational research.
To this end, students are invited to participate early actively in classroom sessions through prior preparation of the issues and in moments of collective debate and reflection; individual exposure (oral and written) of research problems is also encouraged.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of the course will be continuous and will take into consideration the following elements: attendance and class participation, performance on all tasks, presentation of work in class, quality of the research project or f the proposal of project work.
Subject matter
1. Specificities of scientific education and stages of the research process
2. Educational research paradigms: positivism, interpretivism and critical theory
3. Strategies of educational research: experimental, ''''''''survey'''''''', qualitative approaches and case studies
4. Main techniques for collecting and analyzing data: tests, questionnaires, interviews, observation and document analysis
5. Main technical data processing: statistical analysis and content analysis
Programs where the course is taught:
- Additional Physics for Teaching Specialization
- Geology Complements for Education
- Environmental Education and Sustainability Specialization
- e-Learning and Information and Communication Technologies in Education
- History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Specialization
- Technology in Science,Technology,Engineering and Mathematics Education