New Products Developments in the Agroindustry
At the end of this course the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and powers to understand the importance of developing new food products and marketing strategy. Realizing the need to have the necessary knowledge to be able to evaluate possible risks and take the necessary steps to correct the deficiencies.
- Be able to assess the quality of new food products most successful, according to standards and legislation, ensuring food safety and quality. It is also intended that students develop critical mind to be able to in the future in the professional field, coordinate the development of production processes for safe food.
- Knowing the great diversity of new products, the main challenges in their different ways of obtaining, processing, quality control and market strategy, in a society increasingly competitive.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Fernanda Guedes Pessoa
Weekly - 6
Total - 56
Teaching language
Basic expertise of biology, chemistry and biochemistry.
Aramouni, F., K. Deschenes (2018). Methods for Developing New Food Products: An Instructional Guide. DEStech Publications, Incorporated, pp 419. [ISBN- 978-1-60595-432-5].
Beckley, J.H., L.J. Herzoc, M.M. Foley (2017).Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons Ltd and the Institute of Food Technologists. [ISBN 978-1119149316 (pdf)].
Fuller, G.W. (2012). New Food Product Development – From Concept to Marketplace. CRC Press. [ISBN-13: 978-1-4398-1865-7] (Ebook.PDF).
Grunert, K.G., W. Verbeke, J.O. Kugler, F. Saeed, J. Scholderer (2011). Use of consumer insight in the new product development process in the meat sector. Meat Science, 89: 251-258.
Moskowitz, H.R., I.S. Saguy e T. Straus (2009). An Integrated Approach to New Food Product Development. CRC Press. [ISBN-978-1-4200-6553-4].
Teaching method
Lectures in classroom with data-show and / or e-learning (use of Moodle). TP - analysis and interpretation of case studies and problem solving. P classes accounted for guided visits to companies. Continuous Av. Based on T and TP. Final standings (CF) = 60% T + 40% TP. The approval with minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) in each component (T and TP). For those who will take a pass in continuous assessment: CF = 0.6 * + notaexame 0,4TP. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5 (range 20 values).
Projects / work - exercises in practical classes, research on the issues to be addressed and further preparation of reports of work performed. There will be access to all the literature on the issues and required to perform the work requested materials. Complements to training with personal attention (tutorial classes), to answer questions and guide the student in learning.
Evaluation method
Continuous assessment in two parts: theoretical and theoretical-practical
Theoretical: 2 individual Mini-tests - each with 30% of the final grade)
Theoretical-practical: Realization and presentation of a research project, based on literature and technical support in the food sector industries - 40% final grade.
Final Rating: (0.30 * Mini-Test1) + (0.30 * Mini-Test2) + (0.40 * Research work). Approval requires a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) in each component (theoretical-practical and theoretical)
Students without approval on continuous assessment may sit the examination. Rating equal to 0.6 * rating exam + 0.4 * rating of the theoretical and practical component. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5.
Subject matter
New food products: definition and characterization. Life cycle of the product. New products versus traditional products. Functional foods. Food ingredients, nutraceuticals and food additives. New packaging. Features preferably the target audience and market. Quality control: consumer, product and manufacturer protection. Benefits and risks. Legislation applied to the development of new food products. Product certification. Case Studies.
Programs where the course is taught: