Research Seminary on Energy and Bioenergy
To be aware about the aspects and themes of the scientific area. To find out about the national and international research centres.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Luísa Almaça da Cruz Fernando
Weekly - 1
Total - 14
Teaching language
Not aplicable.
Scientific papers and reference works in the scientific area and related ones.
Teaching method
The learning methodologies include, whenever it is possible, the students` participation in national or international seminaries, conferences and workshops inside or outside FCT-UNL. In the seminaries, specifically organized for the students the invited speakers, teachers and researchers from different institutions and research centers, do an oral presentation on the specific subject followed by a discussion and critical analysis including the challenges and matters to be answer.
Evaluation method
The assessment is constituted by an individual work, concerning Bioenergy. maximum 15 pages and at least 10 references of good quality.The curricular unit approval requires a minimum classification of 9.5 values (out of 20 values).
Subject matter
Diversified aspects and subjects on the scientific area.