Algebra and Logic

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João Jorge Ribeiro Soares Gonçalves de Araújo

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1.º Semester - Opção I
Code Name ECTS
9623 Universal Algebra 6.0
11628 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 6.0
9635 Calculus of Variations and Applications 6.0
11632 Decision Sciences 6.0
11630 Complements of Functional Analysis 6.0
9644 Complements of Computational Complexity 6.0
11631 Complements of Ordinary Differential Equations 6.0
9645 Complements of Logic 6.0
11633 Population Dynamics 6.0
11634 Partial Differential Equations 6.0
11635 Stochastic Differential Equations 6.0
11636 Modeling in Operations Research 6.0
9631 Numerical Semigroups 6.0
11637 Additive Number Theory 6.0
11638 Combinatorial Group Theory 6.0
9632 Graph Theory 6.0
11639 Operator Theory 6.0
11640 Topics of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 6.0
11641 Topics of Advanced Analysis 6.0
11642 Topics of Mathematical Physics 6.0
9646 Topics of Mathematical Logic 6.0
11643 Topics of Combinatorial Optimization 6.0
11644 Topics of Non-Linear Optimization 6.0
11696 Topics of Semigroups 6.0
9648 Topics of the Theory of Computation 6.0
11645 Topics of Topology and Geometry of Manifolds 6.0
11646 Topics of General And Algebraic Topology 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
1.º Semester - Opção II
Code Name ECTS
9623 Universal Algebra 6.0
11628 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 6.0
9635 Calculus of Variations and Applications 6.0
11632 Decision Sciences 6.0
11630 Complements of Functional Analysis 6.0
9644 Complements of Computational Complexity 6.0
11631 Complements of Ordinary Differential Equations 6.0
9645 Complements of Logic 6.0
11633 Population Dynamics 6.0
11634 Partial Differential Equations 6.0
11635 Stochastic Differential Equations 6.0
11636 Modeling in Operations Research 6.0
9631 Numerical Semigroups 6.0
11637 Additive Number Theory 6.0
11638 Combinatorial Group Theory 6.0
9632 Graph Theory 6.0
11639 Operator Theory 6.0
11640 Topics of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 6.0
11641 Topics of Advanced Analysis 6.0
11642 Topics of Mathematical Physics 6.0
9646 Topics of Mathematical Logic 6.0
11643 Topics of Combinatorial Optimization 6.0
11644 Topics of Non-Linear Optimization 6.0
11696 Topics of Semigroups 6.0
9648 Topics of the Theory of Computation 6.0
11645 Topics of Topology and Geometry of Manifolds 6.0
11646 Topics of General And Algebraic Topology 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
1.º Semester - Opção III
Code Name ECTS
9623 Universal Algebra 6.0
11628 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 6.0
9635 Calculus of Variations and Applications 6.0
11632 Decision Sciences 6.0
11630 Complements of Functional Analysis 6.0
9644 Complements of Computational Complexity 6.0
11631 Complements of Ordinary Differential Equations 6.0
9645 Complements of Logic 6.0
11633 Population Dynamics 6.0
11634 Partial Differential Equations 6.0
11635 Stochastic Differential Equations 6.0
11636 Modeling in Operations Research 6.0
9631 Numerical Semigroups 6.0
11637 Additive Number Theory 6.0
11638 Combinatorial Group Theory 6.0
9632 Graph Theory 6.0
11639 Operator Theory 6.0
11640 Topics of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 6.0
11641 Topics of Advanced Analysis 6.0
11642 Topics of Mathematical Physics 6.0
9646 Topics of Mathematical Logic 6.0
11643 Topics of Combinatorial Optimization 6.0
11644 Topics of Non-Linear Optimization 6.0
11696 Topics of Semigroups 6.0
9648 Topics of the Theory of Computation 6.0
11645 Topics of Topology and Geometry of Manifolds 6.0
11646 Topics of General And Algebraic Topology 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
1.º Semester - Opção IV
Code Name ECTS
9623 Universal Algebra 6.0
11628 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 6.0
9635 Calculus of Variations and Applications 6.0
11632 Decision Sciences 6.0
11630 Complements of Functional Analysis 6.0
9644 Complements of Computational Complexity 6.0
11631 Complements of Ordinary Differential Equations 6.0
9645 Complements of Logic 6.0
11633 Population Dynamics 6.0
11634 Partial Differential Equations 6.0
11635 Stochastic Differential Equations 6.0
11636 Modeling in Operations Research 6.0
9631 Numerical Semigroups 6.0
11637 Additive Number Theory 6.0
11638 Combinatorial Group Theory 6.0
9632 Graph Theory 6.0
11639 Operator Theory 6.0
11640 Topics of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 6.0
11641 Topics of Advanced Analysis 6.0
11642 Topics of Mathematical Physics 6.0
9646 Topics of Mathematical Logic 6.0
11643 Topics of Combinatorial Optimization 6.0
11644 Topics of Non-Linear Optimization 6.0
11696 Topics of Semigroups 6.0
9648 Topics of the Theory of Computation 6.0
11645 Topics of Topology and Geometry of Manifolds 6.0
11646 Topics of General And Algebraic Topology 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
1.º Semester - Opção V
Code Name ECTS
9623 Universal Algebra 6.0
11628 Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations 6.0
9635 Calculus of Variations and Applications 6.0
11632 Decision Sciences 6.0
11630 Complements of Functional Analysis 6.0
9644 Complements of Computational Complexity 6.0
11631 Complements of Ordinary Differential Equations 6.0
9645 Complements of Logic 6.0
11633 Population Dynamics 6.0
11634 Partial Differential Equations 6.0
11635 Stochastic Differential Equations 6.0
11636 Modeling in Operations Research 6.0
9631 Numerical Semigroups 6.0
11637 Additive Number Theory 6.0
11638 Combinatorial Group Theory 6.0
9632 Graph Theory 6.0
11639 Operator Theory 6.0
11640 Topics of Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry 6.0
11641 Topics of Advanced Analysis 6.0
11642 Topics of Mathematical Physics 6.0
9646 Topics of Mathematical Logic 6.0
11643 Topics of Combinatorial Optimization 6.0
11644 Topics of Non-Linear Optimization 6.0
11696 Topics of Semigroups 6.0
9648 Topics of the Theory of Computation 6.0
11645 Topics of Topology and Geometry of Manifolds 6.0
11646 Topics of General And Algebraic Topology 6.0
O aluno deverá obter 6.0 créditos nesta opção.
2.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
11622 Algebra and Logic Seminar 3.0
2.º Year
Code Name ECTS
11625 Thesis on Algebra and Logic 147.0