Electric Energy Processing and Storage
The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge and tools to understand and intervene in the new paradigm of electrical generation, based on the integration of renewable energy sources and distributed generation.
Understanding the issues and techniques regarding the reliable operation of the electrical energy system, and the impacts of integration of renewable energy sources on the grid, is also foreseen in the course.
On the end of the course, students will be provided with advanced competences on the following subjects:
- Design of photovoltaic plants, with main focus on the paradigm of self-consumption.
- Technical issues and challenges concerning integration of dispersed generation, namely from renewable sources.
- Energy estimation of photovoltaic and wind power systems.
- Organisation of Portuguese electrical system.
- Impact of wind integration in the reliability of electrical power systems.
- Smartgrids and microgrids.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Pereira
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Ned Mohan, Power Electronics and Drives, MNPERE, 2003
Power Electronics, Converters, Applications and Design, N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins, Ed.: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002
Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices and Applications, M. Rashid, Editora: Prentice Hall, 1993
Power Electronics, C. Lander, McGraw-Hill, 1999
Gilbert M. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Castro, R., Uma Introdução às Energias Renováveis: Eólica, Fotovoltaica e Mini-Hídrica, IST Press, 2011.
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes; seminar classes and laboratory.
Evaluation method
1st Way: test No.1 (30%, but with a minimum note of 8, being this test eliminatory, i.e. not permitting continuing this way), test No.2 (45%), 4 reports on laboratory exercises (25 % of the final note, being the reports compulsory for the permission= frequency);
2nd Way: 4 reports on laboratory exercises (25 % of the final note, being the reports compulsory for the permission= frequency), exam of retrying (75%).
Subject matter
- Power electronics for renewable energy systems.
- Converter AC-DC. Characteristics and limitations of rectifiers. Producers. DC grids.
- Converters DC-DC. Maximum power point (MPP). Converters BUCK, BOOST and FLYBACK, differences.
- Grid-tie converters and autonomous converters.
- Energy storage. Distributed generation, reliability and stability of the grid.
- Basic management of the batteries. Batteries for Electric vehicle and for buildings. Factors that define the battery efficiency: structure, surface. Types.
- Organisation of the Portuguese electric energy system.
- Interconnection technical requisites.
- Renewable systems based in wind energy.