Computer Aided Drawing
Initiation to the use of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) to develop images of objects and graphical representation of projects.
Introduction of the concepts of representation and fundamental techniques of CAD systems, with emphasis on application areas, advantages and benefits of use in the Project.
Knowledge of the potential application of Computer Aided Drawing in the practice of Civil Engineering.
Acquisition of skills for the use of CAD tools for project preparation.
Understanding and implementing rules and reading of the draft Civil Engineering.
Application of knowledge and skills in 2D and 3D exercises.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Armando Manuel Sequeira Nunes Antão, Rui Noel Alves Vera Cruz
Weekly - 3
Total - 62
Teaching language
Not applicable, mandatory course of the 1st cycle of studies LEC.
Angel, E. - Interactive Computer Graphics, A Top-Down Approach Using Open GL, 5 - Ed. Addision-Wesley México, 2008, ISBN: 978-031-5358-6-3
Ferrante, A.J. - Computer Graphics for Engineers and Architects - Elsevier, 1996, London, ISBN: 978-158-1152-42-5
Lisboa, F. – Desenho de Arquitectura Assistido por Computador - FAUP Publicações, 1997, Porto, ISBN: ISBN 13: 978-972-9483-27-1
Cunha, L. Veiga Da - Desenho Técnico – 13ª Edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2004, Lisboa, ISBN: 972-31-0225-0
Theory and Technique of Drawing
ISO Switzerland - ISO Standards Handbook, Technical Drawings - Volumes 1 e 2, 4ª Ed, 2002, Suíça
NP 48:1968 (3ª Edição), DT Formatos
Teaching method
The working method to be adopted for the implementation of the syllabus, will be the subject of oral explanation, supported with the projection of images and representation in connection with construction of examples. This method will lead to the achievement by the student of many practical exercises to apply the knowledge imparted.
Evaluation method
The course evaluation is done by the method of continuous assessment.
The frequence is mandatory with compulsory presence in 3/4 of the classes in thesemester. In the case of E-Learning, attendance is ensured by the delivery, within the stipulated period, of each practical assignment.
The evaluation consists of achievement throughout the semester three individual practical work and a test. At the end of each class, a questionnaire about the class will be sent, the evaluation of which is part of the evaluation.
Practical Work Individual 1 (TPI1) 30% of final grade; Practical Work individual 2 (TPI2) 25% of final grade; Practical Work Individual 3 (TPI3) 25% of final grade. Test with the ponderation of 20% of final grade (T).
AC = ∑ [TPI1 (30%) + TPI2 (25%) + TPI3 (25%) + T (20%)]
In E-learning classes, computer cameras should always be on.
Subject matter
Introduction to Information Technology
Concepts, Models and Methods of Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)
Introduction to CAD Systems - Concepts, concepts of representation and fundamental techniques of CAD systems, with an emphasis on their application to the draft Civil Engineering
Standards applicable to CAD systems
Use of CAD systems in solving practical exercises
The technical quality of the project and CAD systems
Practical exercises in E-Learning or Lab, when and if possible.
Programs where the course is taught: