Biological Indicators on Agro Industrial Quality


Acquisition of expertise and ability:(1) Concept and representatives of indicators of agro industries; (2) Productive process and quality parameters.

Acquisition of ability and proficiency: (1) Monitoring and methodologies; (2) Quality control and sanitary surveillance.

Acquisition of expertise, ability and proficiency: (1) Impact evaluation on the quality of natural and human ecosystems; (2) Intervention to solve concrete problems; (3) Use of the EC standards and legal regulations.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Lúcia Monteiro Durão Leitão


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Background on biology and chemistry.


 Jay JM, Loessner MJ, Golden DA (2005) Modern food microbiology. 7ª Edição, Springer Science, Nova York, EUA, 790 pp, (ISBN 0-387-23180-3).

 Ray B, Bhunia A (2008) Fundamental food microbiology. 4ª Edição, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Londres, Nova York, 492 pp, (ISBN-13:978-0-8493-7529-3).

Mendes B, Santos Oliveira JF (2004) Qualidade da Água para Consumo Humano. Lidel-Edições Técnicas, Lda (Ed.), Lisboa, Porto, Coimbra, 625 pp, (ISBN 972757274X).

Adams MR, Moss MO (1995) Microbiología de los alimentos. Acribia, S.A., Zaragoza, Espanha, 464pp, (ISBN 84-200-0830-3).

Teaching method

Theoretical classrooms data show. Practical laboratory sessions.

Evaluation method

- Continuous assessment with 4 elements of evaluation:

Theoretical-Practical Evaluation: 2 Tests (each one 30% to the final grade). Weighted average of the 2 elements of evaluation must be equal or higher than 9.5 values (scale of 20).

Laboratorial Evaluation: 1) Assiduity of the practical laboratorial sessions; (2) Elaboration and discussion of two practical reports (each one 20% to the final grade).

Frequency is obtained with the presence in 2/3 of practical classes.

Final rating: (0.60*Theoretical-Practical Evaluation) + (0.40*Laboratorial Evaluation). Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

- Students without approval on the continuous assessment examination can proceed to the final exam, with the classification being defined by: 0.60 *Exam + 0.40*Classification of the Laboratorial Evaluation. Approval is obtained with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).

- Improvement of the classification requires a registration in the schedule examination period. The classification of the practical component cannot be improved and follows in the next year.

Subject matter

A.- Lectures

  1. Introduction
  2. Characterization of the main types of biological hazards
  3. Factors influencing microbial growth in food  
  4. Concepts and criteria of selection of indicators of food microbial quality
  5. Strategies of verification of hygiene and safety requirements in the food industries
  6. Microbial food spoilage
  7. Microbial foodborne diseases

B.- Practical component:

  1. Examination of microbial indicators of water quality
    • Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli
    • Detection and enumeration of Enterococcus
  2. Microbiological analysis in foodstuffs
    • Fungi enumeration


Programs where the course is taught: