Energy Production using Biomass
Acquisition of knowledge (1) Peocesses and equipments for the nergy production by combustion, pyrolisis and gasification; (2) Related ecnomic and environmental aspects.
Acquisition of proficiency (1) To identify and to describe the principal components and raw materials fluxes in the energy production units by combustion, pyrolisis and gasification allocate for the biomass utilization; (2) To relate the several mass fluxes in those units; (3) To compare, concerning the gas composition, the gases of low heat power resulting from the pyrolisis and gasification; (4) To compare the commom levels of pollutants emission between the different technologies for the energy exploitation of the biomass (related with combustion, pyrolisis and gasification) and to express those emission levels in the several measure units turn commom in the industry.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Margarida Boavida Pontes Gonçalves
Weekly - 4
Total - 70
Teaching language
Not aplicable.
Bridgwater A. V. (2008) Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Vol. I, Bridgwater A. V. (Ed.), Springer (Publs.), 1770 pp (ISBN 0751401714)
Noel de Nevers (2010) Air Pollution Control Engineering, 2nd Edition, Waveland Pr Inc (Publs.), 608 pp (ISBN 978 1577666745)
P. Quaak, H. E. Stassen and H. Knoef (1999) Energy from Biomass: A Review of Combustion and Gasification Technologies (World Bank Technical Paper, 1999-03), World Bank Publications (Publs.), 100 pp (ISBN 0821343351)
Rezaiyan, J. and Cheremisinoff, N. P. (2005) Gasification Technologies: A Primer for Engineers and Scientists, CRC Press (Ed.), 360 pp (ISBN 978-0824722470)
Teaching method
Lecture sessions supported by datashow.Theorethical-practical sessions of aplications and case studies.
Evaluation method
Two evaluation exams and a theoretical-practical evaluation test. Final grade is the aritmetic average of the classifications obtained.
Subject matter
1. Fundamental concepts of combustion. Stoichiometry and definitions. Adiabatic flame temperature and influential variables. Principal poluents and brief description of its formation mechanisms. Units conversion. Some less pollutant combustion techniques to produce energy from biomass (in -flame and post-flame).
2. Pyrolysis. Physical and chemical process, equipments and matters flow. Composition of resulting gaseous fuel. Pyrolysis advantages and desavantages compared with direct biomass burning. Environmental and economic issues.
3. Gasification. Physical and chemical process, equipments and matters flow. Composition of resulting gaseous fuel. Gasification advantages and desavantages compared with direct biomass burning. Environmental and economic issues.
4. Final discussion. Studie cases.