To acquire deep knowledge in the area of biomaterials with detailed understanding of the composition and properties of the major classes of biomaterial used in medical devices, manufacture process and applications, interactions with implanted biomaterials, and issues associated with the use of surface modification methods to enhance the biocompatibility of materials. Regulatory and standards associated with quality will be included.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Paulo Miranda Ribeiro Borges
Weekly - 4
Total - 70
Teaching language
Available soon
- Buddy D. Ratner et. al (ed), Biomaterials Science - An introduction to Materials in Medicine, Academic Press, New York, 2013 (3ª Ed.)
- Rolando Barbucci (Ed.), Integrated Biomaterials Science, Kluwer Academic Pub., New York, 2002.
- Teacher''''s handouts
- Scientific articles of significant relevance
Teaching method
The lectures will be supported by powerpoint slides. The objectives of each lesson and reading support are explained on the slides.
The practical classes will be conducted in the laboratory, where students perform exploratory experimental activities of the topics covered in the lectures.
Evaluation method
The evaluation shall take into account a theorico-practical component (50 %) and a practical component (50%) , distributed by 4 elements of assessment:
- Evaluation of the theorico-practical component will take into account:
- Oral presentation (in group) of scientific articles selected by the teacher and its discussion (10%);
- 1 summative test (individual) (40 %).
- Evaluation of lab activities (in group) will be done by:
- Quiz-tests on practical activities (average = 45%);
- Evaluation of practical class development (attendance, autonomy, participation). It includes self-evaluation by the group and teacher''s evaluation (5%).
Presentation of selected articles as well as the presence to all lab classes and its evaluation are mandatory for students to be approved in the course. Final grade will be obtained by the weighted average of all the above cited elements. Students will be excluded from the course if one of the above conditions is not satisfied.
Subject matter
1. Introduction: Economical, Ethic and Social issues in Biomaterials Science
2. Synthetic biomaterials: structure-property relashionships
3. Protein-biomaterial interactions
4. Blood-biomaterial interactions.
5. Immune response to biomaterials
6. Wound healing process
Lab classes
L1 - Evaluation of metals corrosion
L2 - Development of a brushite bone cement
L3 - Production and characterization of self-healing hydrogels
L4 - Synthesis and characterization of magnetite nanoparticles (assessment of the potential for application in the treatment of cancer by magnetic hyperthermia).
Programs where the course is taught:
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Master in Biomedical Engineering
- Master in Materials Engineering
- Master in Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering
- Specialty Materials Science
- Specialty Biochemical Engineering
- Specialty Materials Engineering
- Specialty Chemical Engineering
- Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine
- Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences
- Food Technology and Safety