Forensic Chemistry
The student should be able to acquire competences in the research area of forensic chemistry and the comprehension of the way of analyzing the chemical evidence of drugs, combustion, DNA and ID.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Maria Ferreira da Costa Lourenço
Weekly - 5
Total - 44
Teaching language
There are no requirements. It is a UC of FCT offer in which, consequently, students from all FCT degrees are accepted.
Available soon
Teaching method
The course has theoretical and practical components. Theoretical classes are taught using power-point presentations. The active participation of students is encouraged in the sequence of presentation of themes.
In each practical class is made the exposition of the specific concepts of each work to be performed in direct writing on the blackboard, followed by the realization of the experimental work by students in the laboratory.
Evaluation method
Theoretical component (70%) - two tests (average ≥ 9.5) or exam note with ≥ 9.5 values.
Practical component (30%) - mandatory attendance of practical classes held one report and one note (overall score ≥ 9.5). It consists in the frequency.
Performance in the Lab -10%; Report - 10%, Note - 10%.
The exam can be used as grade improvement of the average of the two tests, and will average to note the frequency for the final classification
Subject matter
I - Background
Brief historical evolution of forensic areas.
II - Essential Elements
Legal aspects.
Sampling, Quality of analytical results.
Preparation of samples, analyses and instrumentation.
III - Chemical analysis of physical evidence
A - Drug analysis.
Drugs and Pharmacology.
Forensic analysis of drugs.
Drugs with basic character.
B - The chemistry of combustion - arson, explosion, firing.
C - ID detection.
D - DNA .
IV - Doping.
Programs where the course is taught: