Statistics for Health
Education objectives
The Master in Statistics for Health aims to train people with knowledge and theoretical skills in statistics and with the necessary practical skills to apply correctly the most commonly used statistical methods in health sciences area and in medical and epidemiological research.
This Master gives students the statistical knowledge that enable them to solve adequately health area problems, namely toselect the most suitable study design to be performed in face of a certain research problem; to use the most appropriate statistical techniques to analyse the different types of variables; to describe the hypotheses and assumptions associated with each statistical technique, identifying and avoiding the most common errors in the application of those techniques; to correctly apply and interpret the results of the statistical analyses, understanding how far they allow to answer/clarify the research questions; to manage and analyse complex and huge data bases, namely in what concern data cleaning, codification and storage; to critic evaluate the statistics performed in the context health area literature; to apply the principles, the requirements and the norms of the good practices of scientific research.
General characterization
DGES code
Master (2nd Cycle)
Access to other programs
Access to a 3rd cycle
Isabel Cristina Maciel Natário
Opening date
Available soon
Portuguese students: 2000 € (1st year); 1000 € (2nd year)
Foreign students: 2000 €/year
Teaching language
Available soon
Degree pre-requisites
Duration: 2 years
Credits: 120 ECTS
Scientific Area | Acronym | ECTS | |
Mandatory | Optional | ||
Statistics |
Est | 82 | 0 |
Applications | Apl | 14 | 0 |
Free Option or Applications | OL ou Apl | 0 | 12 |
Free Option or Statistics or Applications | OL ou Est ou Apl | 0 | 12 |
TOTAL | 96 | 24 |
Conditions of admittance
Available soon
Evaluation rules
The evaluation of all UCs is continuous for all the components that integrate it, and it must be completed by the last day of the school term of the academic semester.
The continuous evaluation of a UC must include a minimum of three elements in the set of evaluation components, on dates adequately spaced throughout the period of classes.
All UCs with a theoretical-practical evaluation component must provide, in addition, a form of evaluation of this component by exam, to be carried out after the period of classes (Examination of Appeal).
All requirements and conditions related to the evaluation of the UC, namely the minimum weights and classifications, if any, of each component, as well as the Frequency conditions, are defined a priori and, mandatorily, published in the Discipline Form.
For each UC, combinations of three evaluation components are allowed: (i) Theoretical-practical evaluation; (ii) Laboratory or project evaluation; (iii) Summative assessment.
The final Dissertation (or Project) involves a public discussion with a Jury.
Regulamento de Avaliação de Conhecimentos (Licenciaturas, Mestrados Integrados e Mestrados.)
1.º Semester | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
12394 | Regression Analysis and Applications | 6.0 |
12391 | Biostatistics, Principles and Applications | 6.0 |
12393 | Epidemiology | 4.0 |
12392 | Statistical Inference | 6.0 |
1.º Semester - Opção I | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
12395 | Demography, Prospective and Planning | 4.0 |
12017 | Health Operations Management | 4.0 |
12400 | Free Option | 4.0 |
2.º Semester | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
12397 | Longitudion al Data Analysis | 6.0 |
12396 | Multivariate Data Analysis | 4.0 |
12019 | Basics of Programming in R | 2.0 |
12018 | Generalized Linear Models and Applications | 6.0 |
2.º Semester - Opção II | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
12398 | Health Assessment | 4.0 |
12399 | Bioinformatics | 4.0 |
12020 | Nonparametric and Computational Methods | 4.0 |
12400 | Free Option | 4.0 |
3.º Semester | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
12021 | Biomedical Statistics | 4.0 |
12403 | Club Journal in Statistics fos Health | 8.0 |
12402 | Research Seminar | 10.0 |
12022 | Advanced Topics in Statistics: Time Series | 4.0 |
3.º Semester - Opção III | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
12023 | Computational Numerical Statistics | 4.0 |
12400 | Free Option | 4.0 |
12401 | SIGs and Health | 4.0 |
4.º Semester | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
12419 | Dissertation | 30.0 |