Introduction to Conservation and Restoration I


The aim of this course is to give an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature and complexity of conservation activity.

Students will have sessions related to each of DCR''''s research and action topics.

At the end of the semester the student should be able to:

i) use the bibliographic research tools, using  reliable sources;

ii) reveal organizational capabilities and comply with the safety and hygiene rules, necessary to the conservation work;

iii) reveal the critical capability that allows differentiation between acceptable and inappropriate conservation measures;

iv) properly convey the knowledge acquired, through an oral presentation and report texts.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Catarina Paula Oliveira de Mattos Villamariz, Maria Filomena Meireles Abrantes de Macedo Dinis


Weekly - 5

Total - 78

Teaching language



Thre are no requirements


AZEVEDO, Carlos Alberto Moreira - Metodologia científica: contributos práticos para a elaboração de trabalhos académicos. 9ª ed. Lisboa: Universidade Católica, 2008. 180 p. 

CASE, Donald Owen - Looking for information [Recurso electrónico] : a survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior.2nd ed. London: Academic Press, 2007. 423 p. 

CARVALHO, Maria Cecília Maringoni de, org. -Construindo o saber: metodologia científica: fundamentos e técnicas. 15.ª ed. Campinas: Papirus, 2003. 175 p. 

NUNES, Fernando M. D. Oliveira - Segurança e higiene do trabalho: manual técnico. Amadora, Portugal: Edições Gustave Eiffel, 2006. 637 p.

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical teaching, with illustrations appropriate to the objectives of the course.

The curricular unit has a theoretical-practical component of 4 hours / week. These classes are taught by different teachers each week. In these classes the basic concepts and techniques are explained and at the end (up to a week later) students deliver mini-texts of a maximum of one A4 page that should reflect the learning and experiences lived by each one during the respective class.

Evaluation method

Final grade

30% for mini-texts in each sessions + 20% attendance and participation  + 50% oral presentation

In any evaluation moment, students must also take into consideration the provisions of nº3 of article 10º of the ''Evaluation Rules of FCT NOVA'', “When fraud or plagiarism is proven in any of the evaluation elements of a UC, students directly involved are outright disapproved at UC, (…). 

Subject matter

Program of Theoretical-Practical Classes:
1. Presentation of the UC. Visit to DCR
2.  Conservation and self-ethnography. What is heritage?
3. Ethnography, religion and conservation
4. Principles of Preventive Conservation
5. Unraveling the heritage in the Scientific Laboratory
6. History of Metals Conservation and the process of decision making
7. Analog and digital photography - challenges for conservation
8. Glass and glaze - a common story?
9. Conservation decision-making - the challenges of Contemporary Art
10. From book archeology to codicology: the different materials and construction systems
11. Self-ethnography - the ICR I experience


Programs where the course is taught: