Project in Cell and Molecular Biology


Integration of the knowledge acquired in the various curricular units of the Bsc.  in Cell and Molecular Biology into an individual project with laboratory practice. Provide knowledge about basic essential principles and concepts in scientific research. Deepen knowledge in specialized areas. Provide understanding of how to draw experiences and their methodologies. Encourage critical thinking and hypothesis formulation. Development of autonomous laboratory skills. Development of scientific writing capacity and public presentation of results.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Jaime Gomes Ferreira da Silva Mota


Weekly - 2

Total - 19

Teaching language



Available soon


Varies. Specific for each project.

Teaching method

In order to develop independence in scientific research the student will work individually in the laboratory, integrated in a research team; he will prepare and search the bibliographic of the scientific research topic chosen; design the strategy to achieve his objectives and do the time management of the project; the protocols and methodologies will be dependent of the chosen topic.

Evaluation method

Assessment method: Final report and oral presentation/discussion during 30''''''''.

Organization of the Jury:  chair (element of the Scientific Committee);  “arguente” and project supervisor.

The final grade results from the three evaluation modules: 40% experimental element; 30% report; 30% oral presentation and discussion.

Report: 70% by the “arguente” and 30% by the advisor; Presentation/discussion: 30% by the supervisor, 30% by the “arguente” and 40% by the chair of the jury.

Subject matter

Available soon


Programs where the course is taught: