Special Administrative Law


Students are expected to familiarize themselves with fundamental, but little explored, special themes and areas of Administrative Law. It is also intended that they be aware of the most relevant changes that the public procurement regime has undergone.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vera Cordeiro Pereira de Sousa Eiró Diniz Vieira


Weekly - 3

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Curso de Direito Administrativo, vols. I e II, Almedina, Coimbra, 4.ª edição, 2015 e 2018, respectivamente;

João Caupers, Vera Eiró, Introdução ao Direito Administrativo, 12.ª edição, Âncora Editora, Lisboa, 2016;

Jorge Andrade da Silva, Código dos Contratos Públicos: anotado e comentado, 7.ª Edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2018;

Mário Aroso de Almeida, Teoria Geral do Direito Administrativo, 5.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2017.

Teaching method

Lectures (sometimes using PowerPoint); classes with the participation of the students (student presentations).

Evaluation method

Students who present (oral and written presentation) an individual “paper” within the scope of the syllabus are exempt from the final written examination

Subject matter

The contents and programmatic topics chosen are precisely tailored to the specific range of goals that are required of students.


Programs where the course is taught: