Competition Law


The seminar aims to provide the student with a case law and interdisciplinary approach to the basic rules of European competition law, which include competition rules addressed to undertakings (Arts. 101 and 102 TFEU), competition rules addressed to the State (Art. 106 TFEU), merger control (Reg. 139/2004) and State aid (Art. 107 TFEU).

General characterization





Responsible teacher



Weekly - 3

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


  • Bellamy & Child, European Union Law of Competition, 8th edition (Oxford University Press: 2019)
  • Simon Bishop / Mike Walker, The Economics of EC Competition Law, 3rd edition (Sweet & Maxwell: 2010)
  • Ariel Ezrachi, EU Competition Law: An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases, 6th. edition (Bloomsbury: 2018)
  • Faull & Nikpay, The EC Law of Competition, 3rd edition (Oxford University Press: 2014)
  • Damien Geradin, Anne Layne-Farrar, Nicholas Petit, EU Competition Law and Economics (Oxford University Press: 2012)
  • Alison Jones / Brenda Sufrin, EU Competition Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 7th edition (Oxford University Press: 2019)
  • Ioannis Lianos / Valentin Korah / Paolo SicilianiCompetition Law: Analysis, Cases and Materials, (Oxford University Press: 2019)
  • Luís D. S. Morais, Os Conceitos de Objecto e Efeito Restritivos da Concorrência e a Prescrição de Infracções de Concorrência (Almedina: 2009)
  • Miguel Moura e Silva, Direito da Concorrência ¿ Uma Introdução Jurisprudencial, 2.ª edição (AAFDL: 2018)
  • Massimo Motta, Competition Policy: Theory and Practice (Cambridge University Press: 2004)
  • Richard Whish / David Bailey, Competition Law, 9th edition (Oxford University Press: 2019)

Teaching method

Lectures involving the participation of students through the discussion of previously assigned cases.

Evaluation method

Final written exam (50%) combined with the outcome of the student's presentation in class (50%).

Subject matter

Points 1 through 4 are aimed to provide the students with the basic tools - in particular, the Microeconomic tools - necessary to address the different subjects of European competition law covered in points 5 through 18.