International Commercial Law
International Commercial Law mainly includes the study of principles and rules that govern international commercial transactions, in the sense of commercial transactions connected with more than one state law.
Students will become familiar with the plurality of sources and methods that characterize International Commercial Law.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Weekly - 3
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
English and Portuguese
Available soon
Bento Soares, Maria Ângela, Moura Ramos, Rui Manuel - Contratos internacionais, Coimbra, 1986, reimp., 1995
Bernaz, Nadia - Business and Human Rights: History, Law and Policy - Bridging the Accountability Gap, 1st ed., 2018
* Bright, Claire - "Access to Legal Remedy in the EU for Victims of Corporate Human Rights Abuses in Third Countries - State of Play", co-authored with A. Marx, N. Pineau and J. Wouters, European Yearbook of Human Rights, 157
* Brito, M. Helena - Direito do Comércio Internacional, Coimbra, 2004
Brito, M. Helena - "Portugal", in Derecho de los contratos internacionales en Latinoamérica, Portugal y España, Madrid, Edisofer, Montevideo-Buenos Aires, Editorial BdeF, 2008, 665 (com a colaboração de Eugénia Galvão Teles)
Brito, M. Helena - "Determinação da lei aplicável aos contratos internacionais: Da Convenção de Roma ao Regulamento Roma I", in Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor José Lebre de Freitas, vol. I, Coimbra, 2013, 427
* Brito, M. Helena - Direito Internacional Privado sob influência do Direito Europeu, Lisboa, 2017
Dalhuisen on Transnational Comparative, Commercial, Financial and Trade Law, por Jan H. Dalhuisen, 3 vols. (vol. 1: Introduction - The New Lex Mercatoria and its Sources; vol. 2: Contract and Movable Property Law; vol. 3: Financial Products, Financial Services and Financial Regulation), 6ª ed., Oxford, 2017
Fawcett, James J., Harris, Jonathan M., Bridge, Michael - International sale of goods in the conflict of laws, Oxford, 2005
Fernández Rozas, José Carlos & O. - Derecho de los negocios internacionales, 5ª ed., Madrid, 2016
França Gouveia, Mariana - Curso de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios, 3ª ed., Coimbra, 2014
Galgano, Francesco, Marrella, Fabrizio - Diritto del commercio internazionale, 3ª ed, Padova, 2011
Gildeggen, Rainer - Internationale Handelsgeschäfte. Eine Einführung in das Recht des grenzüberschreitenden Handels, 4ª ed., München, 2012
Houtte, Hans van - The Law of International Trade, 2ª ed, London, 2002
Jacquet, Jean-Michel & O. - Droit du commerce international, 2ª ed., Paris, 2010
Kessedjian, Catherine - Droit du commerce international, Paris, 2013
Lima Pinheiro, Luís - Estudos de Direito Comercial Internacional, vol. I, Coimbra, 2004
Lima Pinheiro, Luís - Direito comercial internacional, Coimbra, 2005
* Lima Pinheiro, Luís - Direito internacional privado, vol. II - Direito de conflitos. Parte especial, 4ª ed., Coimbra, 2015; vol. III, tomo I - Competência internacional, Lisboa, 2019; vol. III, tomo II - Reconhecimento de decisões estrangeiras, Lisboa, 2019
Marrella, Fabrizio - Manuale di diritto del commercio internazionale, Padova, 2017
McCorquodale, Robert - "Corporate social responsibility and international human rights law", Journal of Business Ethics, 2009, 97(2), p. 385
McCorquodale, Robert, Smit, Lise, Neely, Stuart, Brooks, Robin - "Human Rights Due Diligence in Law and Practice: Good Practices and Challenges for Business Enterprises", Business and Human Rights Journal, 2017, 195
Newton, Alex - The Business of Human Rights, Best Practice and the UN Guiding Principles, 1st ed., 2019
Ramberg, Jan - International Commercial Transactions, 4ª ed., ICC, Paris, 2012
Schmitthoff's Export Trade. The Law and Practice of International Trade, 9ª ed. por Clive M. Schmitthoff, London, 1990; 12ª ed. por Carole Murray, David Holloway, Daren Timson-Hunt, London, 2012
Spitzer, Martin - "Human Rights, Global Supply Chains, and the Role of Tort", Journal of European Tort Law, 2019, 95
Trebilcock, Michael J., Howse, Robert, Eliason, Antonia - The Regulation of International Trade, 4ª ed., London, New York, 2013
Teaching method
Classes of this discipline are taught in an interactive system. Based on the theoretical knowledge transmitted by Professors, Students shall present interactive displays about subjects comprised in the program.
Evaluation method
Evaluation method will be the general one for the course, taking into account the work developed during the semester.
Depending on the number of Students, it is possible the approval in this discipline following the continuous evaluation method.
In any case, there will be the final written exam for students who do not wish to be continuously evaluated or who seek to improve the grade resulting from the continuous evaluation process.
Subject matter
The syllabus presented reflects a broad perspective either between the various subjects which are in the field of study or the legal and practical realities nowadays. Apart from a theoretical doctrinal approach to legal concepts, it seeks to equip students with the skills required for a proper use of legal instruments essential to their future professional activity in relations to international commercial law.
The course will fovuse on the analysis of relevant norms, both at national and international levels.
Programs where the course is taught: