Civil Procedure Pratice


The goal of the course is for students to apply the knowledge acquired in the courses of Civil Procedure in the most practical way possible.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Joana Aurora Farrajota Mendes Rodrigues


Weekly - 3

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


AA VV ¿ O novo processo civil. Contributos da doutrina para a compreensão do novo Código de Processo Civil, CEJ 2013 (e-book disp. aqui).

FREITAS, J. Lebre de ¿ Introdução ao processo civil. Conceito e princípios gerais à luz do novo código, 3.ª ed., Coimbra 2013.

FREITAS, J. Lebre de, A ação declarativa comum à luz do Código de Processo Civil de 2013, 3.ª ed., Coimbra 2013.

GERALDES, A. Abrantes ¿ Recursos no novo Código de Processo Civil, Almedina 2013. 6

RODRIGUES, F. Pereira ¿ O novo processo civil. Os princípios estruturantes, Almedina 2013.

Teaching method

As the course is essentially pratcial it is taught by judges, in small groups of 8 students each.

A specific case, presented by the judges, is analysed by the students since the apllication phase to the decision.

A simulation of the court hearing is also made by the students.

Evaluation method

Students are subject to a evaluation throughout the semester, based on their participation in class and to papers (2 or 3) they are to present.

Students can also take an exam at the end of the semestre that will substitute the grade they had in the evaluation done throughout the semester,

Subject matter

The course follows through topics that were the subject matter of courses of civil procedure with a practical perspective.


Programs where the course is taught: