NOVA Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine


The Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) is a young centenary institution, unique in the Portuguese academy. Initially dedicated to the study, teaching and clinic of tropical diseases, it has recently evolved into an integrated approach that ranges from the molecular level to global health systems, adopting, without abandoning its tropical vocation, a strong commitment to solving health problems that , on all continents, afflict the poorest and the most excluded.

Since its origin, the institute has been at the forefront of investigating major tropical endemic diseases, and these lines of work remain current, reinforced by studies on tuberculosis, viruses prevalent in the tropics, the health of travelers or migrant populations and health service systems, that lend it a strong international character in the context of networks and projects in partnership.

IHMT has been recognized nationally and internationally, not only for its history, but also for its scientific quality in the scope of postgraduate education, research and also for its contribution to cooperation for the development of health in PALOP, Brazil and East Timor.

In the context of New University of Lisbon (UNL), it contributes to its institutional reinforcement and cohesion, combining its centenary history with innovation and the excellence of its scientific activity. Within the strategic guidelines of UNL, IHMT has been actively leading its administrative and scientific policy with a greater exchange between the different Organic Units of UNL with a view to the emergence of new actions and innovative domains.

In its training program, IHMT strives to be a reference in the Portuguese-speaking space and respond to the needs of Portuguese-speaking countries, sharing its knowledge with other Organic Units with new offers of courses and teaching programs, within the scope of postgraduate courses , seeking to deepen new themes and specializations needed in the current global world.

In the field of scientific research, IHMT has a nationally and internationally recognized level of excellence, centered above all on Tropical Medicine and on Health areas considered problematic in developing countries.

Research work is closely associated with Doctorateand Master programs, as well as technical assistance to Ministries of Health, in Portugal and other countries. The quality of IHMT's performance was recognized by WHO, when it assigned us the status of Collaborating Center for Health Workforce Policy and Planning.

Mobility students

Contact us:
Academic Division
Tel (direct): +351 21 365 26 08
General: + 351 21 365 26 00
Fax: + 351 21 363 21 05
Address: Rua da Junqueira 100
1349-008 Lisbon

Academic authorities

  • Director Filomeno Fortes
  • Secretary Teresa Margarida Pires
  • Scientific Council President António Paulo de Almeida
  • Pedagogic Council President Maria do Rosário Oliveira Martins

Admission and enrollment

Applications to 2nd cycle
< 1st phase:

Application period: May 4th to May 28th 2020
Application evaluation: Until June 5th 2020
Communication of results: Until June 9th 2020
Registration/Subscription: June 10th to 30th June 2020

< 2nd phase:

Application period: July 2nd to July 22nd 2020 (Opening of this phase is subject to vacancies)
Application Evaluation: Until July 29th 2020
Communication of results: Until July 31st 2020
Registration/Subscription: August 1st to August 16th 2020

3rd phase:

Application period: August 18th to September 7th 2020 (Opening of this phase is subject to vacancies)
Application Evaluation: until September 11th 2020
Communication of results: until September 14th 2020
Registration/Subscription: September 15th to September 21st 2020

Applications to 2nd cycle - Master in Medical Microbiology (Students 1st year, 1st time)

1st phase:
Application period: May 4th to July 22nd 2020
Application evaluation (including possible interview): Until July 29th 2020
Communication of results: Until July 31st 2020
Registrations/Subscription: August 1st to August 16th 2020

2nd phase:

Application period: August 18th to September 7th 2020 (Opening of this phase is subject to availability)
Application Evaluation (including eventual interview): Until September 11th 2020
Communication of results: Until September 14th 2020
Registration/Subscription: Until September 18th 2020

Applications to 3rd cycle

1st phase

Application period: May 4th to June 22nd, 2020
Application evaluation: until July 10th 2020
Communication of results: until July 14th 2020
Registration/Subscription: until August 2nd 2020

2nd phase:

Application period: August 5th to September 2nd 2020 (Opening of this phase is subject to vacancies)
Application evaluation: until September 11th 2020
Communication of results: until September 14th 2020
Registration/Subscription: until September 21st 2020

Practical information


Localization: IHMT basement
Tel: 21 365 26 00 - Extension 157

• The photocopying system works in self-service. Students can purchase a photocopy card at the Library.
• IHMT students have access to the use of computers in the room attached to the library's reading room.

Other libraries in Lisbon:
NOVA National School of Public Health
Av Padre Cruz, Lisbon – (Tel. +351 21 7512100)

National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Av Padre Cruz, Lisbon - (General Tel. +351 21 7519200)
Library: +351 21 7519381

NOVA Medical School
Cp. Mártires da Pátria – (Tel. +351 21 8803000)
Library: +351 21 8803055

Lisbon University Medicine Faculty
Av. Prof Egas Moniz – (Tel. +351 21 7985100)
Library: +351 21 7985132

Catholic Universuty
Caminho Palma Cima – (Tel. +351 21 7214000)
Library: +351 21 7214011

National Library
Campo Grande (Tel. +351 21 7982000)

ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
Av. Forças Armadas (Tel. +351 21 7935000)
Library: +351 21 7903024

NOVA Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology António Xavier
Av. da Republica, Oeiras (Tel. +351 21 4469100)
Library: +351 21 4469256

Gulbenkian Institute of Science
Rua da Quinta Grande 6, Oeiras (Tel. +351 21 4407900)
Library: +351 21 4464506

Food services

IHMT Cafeteria
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tel: +351 21 365 26 15

Special needs facilities

The IHMT has 2 parking spaces for the disabled, access ramps to the entrance door and two bathrooms.
IHMT does not have equipment for students with special needs.

Other information

Access to IHMT by Public Transport:
- Tram:
Nº 15 Praça da Figueira (subway connection) - Pedrouços
- Bus:
Carreira 714: Praça da Figueira - Outorela
Carreira 727: Areeiro - Restelo
Carreira 732: Hospital de Stª Maria - Caselas
Carreira 751: Campolide Linda-a-Velha
Carreira 756: Picheleira/Olaias - Praça das Indústrias
Carreira 728: Moscavide - Restelo (stop on Avenida Índia)
- Public Parking:
In the vicinity of Rua da Junqueira, there are two paid parking lots: one underground in front of the IHMT and the other in front of the Lisbon Congress Center.
- Private Parking at IHMT:
Access to the IHMT parking lot is allowed to students who attend our Doctorateand Master courses, upon payment of an annual amount to be fixed by order of the Director. For the academic year 2019/2020 the value is € 60 and your registration can be made by filling out the form and sent by email to the Academic Division.

- Accommodation:
IHMT students have access to cheaper accommodation through the Social Action Services of the New University of Lisbon
Adress: Campus Universitário de Campolide, 1099-032 Lisbon
At website
Tel: +351 21 371 56 00
Fax: +351 21 371 56 72
- Health and Insurance:
IHMT students and interns are obliged to pay a school insurance of 5 € which includes the following coverages: Accidents arising from professional and extra professional risks; death or permanent disability; treatment and repatriation expenses.

School calendar

official date for the delivery of dissertations 2nd semester: October 14th 2021 ->

official dissertation delivery date 1st semester: April 29th 2021 ->

Summer: August 1st -> to August 31st 2022

Easter: 14th -> to April 18th 2022

Carnival: February 28th -> to March 1st 2022

Christmas: December 18th 2021 -> to January 2nd 2022

Official Opening of the Academic Year: October 4th 2021 ->