Experimental design and thesis project


Within the scope of this Curricular Unit, students should acquire/develop:
1. Develop and train self-learning ability, critical analysis, devise, implement, adapt and correctly schedule an original and up-to-date research plan that will support the formal presentation of an innovative and original Doctorateproposal, follow high standards of academic performance and integrity.
2. Solve new problems (writing and defending a DoctorateProposal) using skill previously acquired within the scope of the curricular unit of “Scientific Communication”.
3. Improve communication skills between peers, the academic community and the civil society, focusing on clarifying the scientific value and interest of the work that’ll be carried out, as well as its potential impact.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ricardo Parreira


Weekly - 13

Total - 38

Teaching language



Not applicable


• Stefan Rüger. 2016. How to write a good Doctoratethesis and survive the viva (verbal defence of your written thesis). The Open University, UK (disponível online em: http://people.kmi.open.ac.uk/stefan/thesis-writing.pdf)
• How to Write a Good Postgraduate Research Proposal. 2015. The Postgraduate Team, Student Recruitment and Admissions, The University of Edinburgh (disponível online em: http://www.ed.ac.uk/files/imports/fileManager/HowToWriteProposal090415.pdf)
• Qais Faryadi. 2012. How to Write Your DoctorateProposal: A Step-By-Step Guide. American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 2(4). 111-115 (disponível online em: http://www.aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_4_April_2012/12.pdf)
• Quinn G, Keough M. 2002. Experimental Design and Data Analysis for Biologists. Cambridge University Press, UK. (Dispinível online em: http://www.ib.unicamp.br/profs/fsantos/apostilas/QuinnKeough.pdf)
• Writing a Thesis Proposal: Independent Learning Resources. Learning Centre, The University of Sydney (Disponível online em: https://sydney.edu.au/stuserv/documents/learning_centre/Thesis_Proposal_2012.pdf

Teaching method

Contact between students and teachers will occur during formal expositive lectures that’ll be carried out using PowerPoint-type presentations as a support tool. These lectures will be planned so as to stimulate the active participation of students and their interaction with the teaching staff engaged in this curricular unit. Most of the teaching sessions will be tutorials for clarification of specific points and the resolution of exercises. Students will also be invited to present their projects in Seminar sessions.

Evaluation method

The performance of the students in all these interactions with their teachers will be graded, and considered for the final classification. By the end of this curricular unit, students are expected to present a Doctoratethesis plan that may (or not) correspond to the actual project that may eventually lead to their Doctoratedegree.

Subject matter

I. Presentation of the regulations and legislation regarding that condition the Doctorateprograms at IHMT.
II. Tutorial Committees, interaction between the students and the Academic Division (student support), DoctorateThesis formats, annual reports and participation in the annual scientific meeting.
III. Update on concepts of experimental design, scientific method, sample size definition, statistical testing.
IV. Project scheduling as a function of specific objectives. Definition of milestones and expected results.
V. Planning and writing of scientific projects.
VI. Bibliographic revision and reference formats.
VII. Preparation, critical analysis, presentation and defense of Doctoratethesis proposal.


Programs where the course is taught: