New approaches in cell biology
At the end of the curricular unit students must: 1. Understand the principles of Crisp/Cas9 technology for the edition of complex genomes. Identify its potential and current applications as well as ethical issues related to the use of this technology. 2. Understand the working principles of imaging mass citometry, its advantages and applications in the analysis of cells and tissues. 3. Understand the underlying principles of the current methods of visualization of molecules in living cells. 4. Understand the principles of production and design of recombinat antibodies by phage display and nanobodies as well as its advantages and limitations. 5. Know the basic concepts of global analysis of genomes, proteins, and metabolites and its importance for the investigation of disease mechanisms.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Celso Cunha
Weekly - 12,5
Total - 38
Teaching language
Available soon
• Molecular Biology of the Cell. Alberts B. et al. Garland Science, 5th Edition. Scientific articles on the theoretical basis and applications of relevant, modern technologies. These articles are regularly updated and may differ each year.
Teaching method
Tutorial teaching ans learning methodologies will be used in this CU. Students will chose one of the above listed thematic areas and will work in association with a tutor, one of the teachers of the CU.
Evaluation method
- Continuous assessment of the student’s progress and performance by the tutor (20%). - A written monograph on the previously chosen topic (40%). - Oral presentation of the written work to all students and teachers (30%). - Assessment of participation in discussion of works presented in oral presentations.
Subject matter
The curricular unit is intended to provide information on the most recent scientific and technology developments in cell biology. The contents may vary each year but must in line with the general objectives of the Program. In the first years the CU will focus the following themes: Crisp/Cas9 technology and genome edition. Imaging mass citometry. Visualization and analysis of molecules in living cells. Phage display for antibody production. Nanobodies. Omics in cell biology.