Applications in Medical Parasitology


With this CU it is intended that students attend and participate in laboratory research activities of the laboratories of the three major areas that constitute the Medical Parasitology Unit, Medical Protozoology, Medical Helminthology and Medical Entomology.
Students must rotate by different laboratories so as to contact with various laboratory procedures and methods of work.
For every student a personalized internship will be designed, keeping in mind the knowledge, skills and competencies required, with the ultimate aim of the area in which the student intends to develop the doctoral thesis.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Olga Matos


Weekly - 20

Total - 62

Teaching language



Not applicable


• W Petters and Geoffrey Pasvol. 2007. Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. 6th Edition. Elsevier Science London, UK.
• Garcia L. S. 2007. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. 5ª edição. ASM Press. Washington, DC, USA.
• Manson's Tropical Diseases. 2002. 21ª edição, Cook G. C. and Zumla A. I. (Ed.),WB Saunders, London, UK.

Teaching method

- Practical laboratory work.
- Tutorial support.

Evaluation method

The approval in the CU will be obtained if a minimum attendance of classes and a final grade of 10 or higher are observed, on a scale of 0-20 values. The final classification will be calculated taking into account the scores obtained in the 1) continuous evaluation by the trainer's supervisor; 2) in the written report at the end of the internship; 3) in the presentation of a theme, according to the following formula:
Final grade CU = (note given by stage supervisor x 0.4) + (written report note x 0.3) + (theme presentation note x 0.3).

Subject matter

These laboratory internships will last for three (3) weeks, five (5) days a week, with a daily schedule of four (4) hours, from 9am-13pm.
The student integrated into a research team should familiarize himself with the research lines to be developed in the laboratory. Thus, the syllabus content of the internship will depend on laboratories where students rotate.


Programs where the course is taught: