Methods of Qualitative Research in Health
After this unit, students should be able to:
1. Acknowledge the characteristics of the different research paradigms and to know the conceptual and methodological differences between quantitative and qualitative studies; understand the conceptual principles and contexts of application of the qualitative methodology.
2. To know the different types of qualitative studies; formulate research questions and objectives; know the sampling techniques.
3. To identify and apply the main techniques of data collection in qualitative studies, including the role of the interviewer / moderator.
4. To know the main techniques of data analysis in qualitative research.
5. To know how to write and publish a qualitative research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Isabel Craveiro
Weekly - 8
Total - 40
Teaching language
Not applicable
• BARDIN, L. (2013), A análise de conteúdo, Edições 70, Lisboa. • CRESSWELL, J. W., (2009), Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches. 3th edition. Sage Publications, London. • DENZIN, N and LINCOLN, Y (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research. (eds). Sage, Thousand Oaks. • FLICK, U. (2006) An introduction to Qualitative Research, Sage Publications. • Green J, Thorogood N. (2009) Qualitative Methods for Health Research, Sage Publications. ISBN: 978-1-84787-073-5 • HOLLIDAY, A. (2002), Doing and Writting Qualitative Research, Sage Publications, UK. • MANN, P. H. (1983), Métodos de Investigação Sociológica, Biblioteca de Ciências Sociais, Zahar Editores, S.P.
Teaching method
For this course it is proposed the use of a combination of different interactive and participatory methods of teaching-learning, such as theoretical and practical sessions, exercises based on problem-solving, role-playing, tutorial supervision and other activities of contact with the teacher, preparation of papers and learning through independent work of students.
Evaluation method
- The assessment will be done through the preparation of a research protocol using a qualitative approach (study design, preparation, data collection and analysis).
- Assessment of individual work (research protocol using the qualitative approach - study design, data collection and analysis) - 70%.
- Evaluation of oral presentation and discussion of individual work - 30%.
Subject matter
I. Characterization and distinction between the different health research paradigms (quantitative studies vs. qualitative studies), their theoretical orientations, utility and application contexts. Different study designs.
II. Research questions and objectives of the study. Different types of sampling techniques. Phases of a research protocol.
III. Data Collection. Some of the key techniques for collecting qualitative data. Role of the interviewer / moderator. Practical exercises. Examples.
IV. Treatment and analysis of data. Content analysis. Examples. Exercises.
V. Presentation and discussion of results. Writing a qualitative research.
Programs where the course is taught: