Conceptual Introduction in Health and Development
The aim is to introduce students to major Public Health and Development themes. For each of them, students must learn about basic concepts or definitions, conceptual framework, and application in research and development; in a way of building human capacity for health policy analysis.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Sambo
Weekly - 10
Total - 10
Teaching language
Not applicable
• Navarro V, What is a National Health Policy? International Journal of Health Services, Volume 37, Number 1, pages 1-14, 2007. • Turnock B. Public Health: What It Is and How It Works, Jones Bartlett, 3rd Ed, Boston, 2004. • Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, How Social and Economic Factors Affect Health: Social Determinants of Health. Los Angeles, USA, 2013. • UNDP, Human Development Report 2016: Human Development for Everyone, United Nations Development Programme, NY 100017, USA, 2016. • Alameda County Department of Public Health, what is Social and Health Equity and Why is it Important? Oackland, USA, 2013. • Clift J., Health and Development: why investing in health is critical for achieving economic development goals, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, 2004. • Walt, G., and L. Gilson. “Reforming the Health Sector in Developing Countries: The Central Role of Policy Analysis.” Health Policy and Planning 9, no. 4 (December 1994): 353–70. • “WHO | Health and Development.” WHO. Accessed October 28, 2014.
Teaching method
After a theoretical presentation of each topic related to programmatic content, a debate with students will follow, raising real-world problems as practical examples.
Evaluation method
A final work on study-case will be performed by each student that will make a comparative analysis while applying the delivered theory.
Subject matter
I. Public Health.
II. Health Policy.
III. Development.
IV. Health and Development.
V. Health related Sustainable Development Goals (focus on goal number 3).
Programs where the course is taught: