Tropical Clinical Pathology
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. Know the epidemiology and distribution of malaria. 2. Correlate vector/parasite and the importance of control measures. 3. Know the laboratory's role in the diagnosis of malaria. 4. Know the epidemiology and agents of STIs. 5. Know the different procedures used in the laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infections in the context of STIs (sexually transmitted infections). 6. Know the current distribution of helminth infections. 7. Know the methods applied to helminthiasis diagnosis (immunological and molecular) and to interpret the results. 8. Know the distribution of zoonotic spirochetoses: Leptospirosis and Lyme disease in tropical environment. 9. Correlate the environmental, bioecological and social variables with its incidence. 10. Know the laboratory approaches for spirochetoses diagnosis. 11. Know the control and prevention strategies of the two spirochetos.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Lenea Campino
Weekly - Se a UC for oferecida como opcional, o horário será disponibilizado no 2º semestre
Total - 33
Teaching language
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory
• Castro R. (2010). Diagnóstico Laboratorial em Microbiologia Clinica Microbiologia pp. 411-430- Canas F.W.F, Sousa, J.C.F., Lima, N., (Eds.), Edições Lidel, Lisboa. • Farrar, J., Hotez, P., Junghanss, T., Kang, G., Lalloo, D., White, N., J. (2013). Manson's Tropical Diseases, 23rd Ed. Elsevier Science, UK E: 1552 pp. • Picardeau, M. (2015). Leptospirosis: Updating the Global Picture of an Emerging Neglected Disease, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(9): e0004039. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004039. • Zhang W, Wen H, Li J, Lin R, McManus DP. (2012). Immunology and immunodiagnosis of cystic echinococcosis: an update. Clinical and Developmental Immunology. Review article, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2012/101895. • WHO. (2013). Laboratory diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections. Edited by Unemo, M., Ballard, R., Ison, C., Lewis, D., Ndowa, F., Peeling, R., Piot, P. 228 pp.
Teaching method
Lectures (expositive) and tutorials for students.
Evaluation method
- Students with at least 2/3 of frequency, are subject to continuous assessment (attendance and active class participation). – Seminar 30%. - Final exam (multiple choice) 70%. - Rating Scale 0-20. - Approval with rating equal to or greater than 10.
Subject matter
Lectures: I. Theoretical fundaments of the laboratory diagnosis of malaria. II. Introduction to Sexually Transmitted Infections: urethritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, genital ulcers. III. Theoretical fundaments of main tests used in the laboratory for diagnosis of STIs. IV. General considerations on helminth infections. V. Distribution, incidence of helminth infections and the role of the laboratory for diagnosis. VI. Leptospirosis and Lyme disease: the etiological agents, reservoirs and vectors in its transmission; the epidemiological situation in tropical countries. VII. Integrated control and epidemiological surveillance programs of leptospirosis. Tutorial: VIII. Guided visits to laboratories, summary presentation of the main approaches to diagnosis for malaria, helminth infections, STIs and spirochetoses. IX. Reference laboratory (WHO) for diagnosis of leptospirosis (eg Lab at IHMT). X. Elucidation of ongoing research projects in diseases addressed. XI. Discussion of scientific articles.
Programs where the course is taught: