Health Promotion


1. Describe the concepts of Health Promotion and Health Education, theoretical perspectives and developments;
2. Consider the main debates on health promotion, including ethic dimensions and different approaches to health promotion;
3. Understand the complexity and the dynamic nature of the processes of health promotion and relate them to their values, theoretical and practical;
4. Explain the conceptual and methodological foundations of the Program for the Promotion and Health Education, and their centrality towards interventions, as well as appropriate technologies in implementing programs;
5. Critically analyze the multiple and interrelated determinants of health and their interconnections with health inequalities, as well as their implications for health promotion policy and practice at different levels (local, national and international);
6. Describe the different stages of planning health promotion programs;
7. Critically evaluate different health promotion strategies.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Tiago Correia


Weekly - 8

Total - 40

Teaching language

English and Portuguese


Not applicable


• Barry MM, Battel-Kirk B, Dempsey C (2012). The CompHP Core Competencies Framework for Health Promotion in Europe. Health Education and Behavior, 39(6), 648–662. • Bergeron K, Abdi S, DeCorby K, Mensah G, Rempel B, Manson H (2017). Theories, models and frameworks used in capacity building interventions relevant to public health: a systematic review. BMC public health, 17(1), 914.
• Fernandez ME, ten Hoor GA, van Lieshout S, Rodriguez SA, Beidas RS, Parcel G, Ruiter RAC, Markham CM, Kok G (2019).Implementation Mapping: Using Intervention Mapping to Develop Implementation Strategies. Frontiers in Public Health, 7;2019.
• Flaman LM, Plotnikoff RC, Nykiforuk CIJ, Raine K (2011). Mechanisms for Understanding the Facilitators and Barriers to Capacity Building for Chronic Disease Prevention Activities: An Illustration. Health Promotion Practice, 12(6), 858–866.
• Garman S (2005). The Social Context of Health Promotion in a Globalising World. In Scriven A, Garman S (eds.). Promoting Health: global perspectives. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan: 58-72.
• Hubley J (2005). “Promoting Health in low and middle income countries: achievements and Challenges. In Scriven A, Garman S (eds). Promoting Health: global perspectives. Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan: 147-166.
• Nutbeam D (2000). Health literacy as a public health goal: a challenge for contemporary health education and communication strategies into the 21st century. Health Promotion International, 15(3): 259-267.
• Robinson KL, Driedger MS, Elliott SJ, Eyles J (2006). Understanding Facilitators of and Barriers to Health Promotion Practice. Health Promotion Practice, 7(4), 467–476.

Teaching method

This curricular unit uses different teaching-learning methodologies, both in-class and through the students’ independent work. In-class activities include theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures, discussions and debates. Students’ independent work consists of reading scientific literature to follow up the in-class activities and prepare the group work on the analysis of practical case studies. The teacher’s tutorial supervision complements the learning process whenever students request it.

Evaluation method

The assessment consists of a group work to critically analyze a selected health promotion intervention. The group work is subject to continuous assessment to monitor work progression and to summative assessment through an oral presentation and the delivery of a final report.

Subject matter

I. General framework of the theoretical and conceptual evolution of Health Promotion and Health Education: Perspectives, principles and conceptual models of health promotion
II. Models for understanding the health of populations: Determinants of health and health inequalities
III. Promotion of health in different populations, including throughout life; Health education and health communication; Models of behavior change at the individual, community, organizational and systems; Models and approaches to promote the health of populations
IV. Strategies for research and intervention in Health Promotion - conceptual and methodological aspects of health research
V. Planning and evaluation of Health Promotion projects – approaches and models. Health Promotion approaches and intervention strategies in different levels (local, national and international) and different contexts (e.g. schools, health organizations)


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