Viral Infections
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. Knowledge of basic concepts in virology. 2. Knowledge of the main viral infections with inter-human transmission, either by vector or by mammals.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Jaime Nina
Weekly - 13
Total - 64
Teaching language
English and Portuguese
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory
• Jeremy Ferrar, Peter J. Hotez, Thomas Junghanss, Gagandeep Kang, David Lalloo and Nicholas White (eds.). “Manson’s Tropical Diseases”. 23rd ed. 2016. London, Elsevier BV. • David Mabey, Geoffrey Gill, Eldryd Parry, Martin W. Weber and Christopher J. M, Whitty (eds.). “Principles of Medicine in Africa”. 4th ed. 2013. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. • Alan J. Magill. Edward T. Ryan, David R. Hill and Tom Solomon (eds.). “Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases”. 9th ed. 2013. London, Saunders Elsevier. • W. Michael Scheld, M. Lindsay Grayson and James M. Hughes (eds.). “Emerging Infections 9”. 2010. Washington D.C., American Society for Microbiology Press.
Teaching method
Lectures, with audio-visual aids, of theorist or theorist-practice nature, as well as seminars with wider discussions, will allow transmission of basic concepts. Problem comprehension and solving, including clinical cases, promote knowledge and concepts practical application, applying to real world what was learn at the lectures.
Evaluation method
Evaluation will always be in written format, either in open questions with book consultation, for problem solving (as example, discussion of alternative options when facing clinical cases or outbreaks), or in other format better suited to each specific subject. The frequency of at least 2/3 of lectures and seminars is a condition to be accepted for formal evaluation.
Subject matter
I. Basic concepts in virology. II. HIV/AIDS infection: epidemiology, physiopathology, immunology, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. III. Vector born and mammal born viral diseases: Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, West Nile, Japanese encephalitis, Ebola and Marburg haemorrhagic fevers, Rabies - epidemiology, physiopathology, immunology, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. IV. Viral Hepatitis: epidemiology, physiopathology, immunology, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. V. Neglected viral diseases, both emerging and re-emerging.