Health in Childhood and Reproductive Age


After this unit, students should be able to:
1. Have acquired knowledge of the main childhood and adolescence disorders in tropical regions; identify pathological alterations in development and child growth; know the general cares of the newborn, the general procedures in common childhood disorders, including urgent and emergent situations, in low-income countries.
2. Know the major health problems of women of childbearing age and be aware of pregnancy surveillance programs and major complications of childbirth.
3. Be able to describe the epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of major sexually transmitted infections.
4. Understand STI syndromic approach advantages and disadvantages and know how to apply it.
5. Have developed transversal competences as autonomy and research ability, training and development of lecture skills.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Varandas


Weekly - 12

Total - 56

Teaching language

English and Portuguese


Not applicable


• Holmes KK, Sparling PF, Stamm WE et al (2008). Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 4th edition, ed by McGraw- Hill Book Companies, Inc.
• Magill AJ, Ryan ET, Hill DR, Solomon T (2013). Hunter’s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases. 9th ed. Saunders Ltd.
• Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s (2014). Principles and practice of infectious diseases, 7th ed. Elsevier Inc.
• Kliegman RM, Stanton BM, Geme JS, Schor NF (2016). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 20th Ed. Elsevier Inc.
• MEDFASH e BASHH (2014). Standards for the management of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). London.
• WHO (2007). Training modules for the syndromic management of sexually transmitted infections, 2nd edition. Geneva.
• WHO (2013). Guideline: updates on the management of severe acute malnutrition in infants and children. Geneva.
• WHO (2013). Pocket book of hospital care for children: guidelines for the management of common childhood illnesses – 2nd ed. Geneva.

Teaching method

The teaching of the curricular unit is composed by expositive theoretical classes, maximum duration of 50 minutes each, including presentation and discussion; Theoretical practical classes with discussion of clinical cases, scientific articles or clinical cases, in which a major participation of the students is stimulated. Seminars will be organized by the students, the teacher being the moderator; Tutorials will mainly serve as preparation for the seminars.

Evaluation method

The final classification is obtained by the combination of continuous evaluation (10% - attendance and participation in class), seminars (30%) and written test at the end of the course (60%).

Subject matter

I. Children health in low income countries; Growth and development; causality and emergency; Neonatal term and post term care; vertical transmission infections; Respiratory infections; Diarrhea; Malaria; Meningitis and meningoenchephalitis; Exantematic children diseases; Parasitosis; Malnutrition and obesity; Micronutrients deficiency; Anemia.
II. Contraception, pregnancy and health risks in pregnant women in tropical regions; Relationship between maternal health and new born health; Infertility and other gynecologic and obstetric pathologies in reproductive age; Mortality causes during reproductive age; Mortality maternal causes; Multisectorial prevention with special emphasis in increasing women instruction level and in the access to health services.
III. Sexually Transmitted Infections: epidemiology, main clinical syndromes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control; syndromic approach.


Programs where the course is taught: