Demography, Health and Migration
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. Be familiarized with the data sources in demography. 2. Be able to interpret populations age and gender distribution. 3. Dominate the concepts of demographic and epidemiologic transition. 4. Know how to calculate and interpret rates and indexes related to mortality, birth rates and migratory movements, as also to calculate and recognize the importance of standardization and to calculate and interpret physiologic and migratory balances. 5. Be aware of the migratory movements impact in demography and in the populations health profiles and of the challenges in health planning and in migrants health.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Filomena Pereira
Weekly - Se a UC for oferecida como opcional, o horário será disponibilizado no 2º semestre
Total - 36
Teaching language
English and Portuguese
Not applicable
• Migration and health: key issues. Assessed on 3rd October 2016. • Gushulak BD, Weekers J and MacPherson DW (2010). Migrants and emerging public health issues in a globalized world: threats, risks and challenges, an evidence-based framework. Emerging Health Threats Journal, 2: 2-12. • Health of Migrants in the UK: What Do We Know? (2014). Assessed on 3rd October 2016. • Nazareth.J.M. (2004). Demografia - A Ciência da População. (1ª ed). Barcarena: Presença. • Nazareth, J.M. (1988). Princípios e métodos de análise da demografia portuguesa. Obra elaborada no Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (1ª ed). Lisboa: Presença.
Teaching method
T - the students will acquire the basic concepts in demography, where to look for quality data sources. In these classes, the students will be acquainted with the concepts of age pyramid and its characteristics, differences between high- and low-income countries, about different rates and indexes important in demography. The concepts related to migration will be taught. That will help the student to be able to calculate and interpret those rates and indexes and to interpret many other concepts. These classes will be the basis that will support their work on the theoretical practical classes, stimulating the student to go deeper in their search and studies in the subject. TP - the students will the opportunity of searching and using data sources and verify the quality of demographic data and to apply different concepts guided by the teachers. OT - Represent the opportunity for the students to expose their doubts and for brain storming.
Evaluation method
Individual final test.
Subject matter
I. Concepts. Data sources and quality. II. Age pyramid: characteristics, differences between high (HIC) and low income countries (LIC); population ageing indexes, elderly dependency indexes, (young elderlies, total) - relationship with populations health/health planning. Demographic and epidemiological transition. III. Mortality, birth rate, migratory movements in PAR and media/BR. IV. Mortality rates: global, by age, cause, child mortality, neonatal and post neonatal, perinatal mortality, proportional mortality reason, maternal mortality. Standardization methods. V. General birth fertility and specific fertility by mothers age, fertility index, gross reproduction rate, children/women reason. Physiologic balance. VI. Emigration, immigration and migratory balance. Migratory movements, influence in the population profile; migrant populations’ rates and indexes changes; imported diseases; health planning challenges; migrants health.