Bachelor's in Economics

Education objectives

1. A solid knowledge and ability to understand the principles of Economics and their application.
2. Personal skills such as communication skills, ability to work individually and in teams, use of computing techniques including research, processing and data presentation.
3. Analytical skills and critical thinking capacities allowing them to build and communicate their own argument.
4. A general education in Management and other related disciplines in the areas of Law, Quantitative Methods and Social Sciences, so that they can analyze and develop solutions and emit judgments, taking into account a variety of scientific, social and ethical aspects.
5. An education which enables them to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to diversified audiences.
6. Personal skills that allow for a life-long learning experience in a fundamentally autonomous manner.

For more informations please visit>> Website Nova SBE

General characterization

DGES code



Bachelor (1st Cycle)



Access to other programs

Special Applications: Transfers & Changes Competition, Re-entry Competition, Over 23 Competition, Degree holders Competition,
International Students

Holders of Specially Suited Tests Designed to Assess The Ability to Attend Higher Education for People over 23 Years of Age
The assessment tests for the frequency of higher education by those over 23 years of age aim to provide access to higher education for those who show competences to attend a 1st cycle course.
If you have completed 23 years until 31 December of the year preceding the tests and do not have access to a certain course of 1st cycle, you can enroll in the Nova SBE, to take the test and obtain that qualification.
This competition may apply for those who have passed the specially appropriate test to assess the capacity for higher education.

for more information please visit>> aqui


Prof. Ana Balcão Reis

Opening date

Available soon


Available soon


Available soon


Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese / English

Degree pre-requisites

The Degrees in Economics and Management are structured in semesters. Each subject/chair corresponds to a number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. When the course is successfully attended, the student is assigned the corresponding number of ECTS.
All subjects last every six months.
For the granting of the Bachelor's degree, registration is mandatory in at least six school semesters and the rules contained in the following points are respected:
(a) obtaining a total number of credits between a 180 ECTS (minimum) and 195 ECTS (maximum);
b) Frequency with use or dispensation to all Mandatory Chairs.
c) Meeting the Internationalization Requirement.
d) Obtaining 22.5 ECTS from elective subjects, where 15 ECTS must be from the course area
e) Frequency with use or dispensation of the Excel Specialist module (mandatory requirement)

Conditions of admittance

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Evaluation rules

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Code Name ECTS
1303 Linear Algebra 7.5
1304 Data Analysis and Probability 7.5
1301 Calculus I 7.5
1302 Calculus II 7.5
1458 Communication, Leadership and Ethics 3.5
1202 Accounting Management 7.5
1201 Financial Accounting 7.5
1402 European Law 7.5
1405 Law in Economics and Business 4
1306 Econometrics 7.5
1108 Development Economics 7.5
1113 Global Economics I 7.5
1114 Global Economics II 7.5
1112 Industrial Organization 7.5
1115 Public Economics 7.5
1305 Statistics for  Economics and Management 7.5
1207 Strategy 7.5
1203 Finance 7.5
1205 Operations Management 7.5
1211 International Management 7.5
1110 Economic History 7.5
1209 Business History 7.5
1459 Managing Impactful Projects 3.5
1200 Principles of Management 7.5
1409 Introduction to Modern and Contemporary History 4
1101 Principles of Macroeconomics 7.5
1100 Principles of Micreconomics 7.5
1103 Macroeconomics 7.5
1204 Marketing 7.5
1102 Microeconomics 7.5
1111 Advanced Microeconomics 7.5
1107 Macroeconomic Policies 7.5
1104 Seminar in European Economics 7.5
1208 Information Systems 7.5
Code Name ECTS
1303 Linear Algebra 7.5
1304 Data Analysis and Probability 7.5
1301 Calculus I 7.5
1302 Calculus II 7.5
1458 Communication, Leadership and Ethics 3.5
1202 Accounting Management 7.5
1201 Financial Accounting 7.5
1402 European Law 7.5
1405 Law in Economics and Business 4
1306 Econometrics 7.5
1113 Global Economics I 7.5
1114 Global Economics II 7.5
1112 Industrial Organization 7.5
1115 Public Economics 7.5
1210 Entrepreneurship 7.5
1305 Statistics for  Economics and Management 7.5
1207 Strategy 7.5
1203 Finance 7.5
1205 Operations Management 7.5
1211 International Management 7.5
1110 Economic History 7.5
1459 Managing Impactful Projects 3.5
1200 Principles of Management 7.5
1409 Introduction to Modern and Contemporary History 4
1101 Principles of Macroeconomics 7.5
1100 Principles of Micreconomics 7.5
1308 Introduction to Programming 7.5
1103 Macroeconomics 7.5
1204 Marketing 7.5
1102 Microeconomics 7.5
1111 Advanced Microeconomics 7.5
1307 Modelling and Optimization 7.5
1107 Macroeconomic Policies 7.5
1104 Seminar in European Economics 7.5
1208 Information Systems 7.5