International Management


This course aims to prepare students for a career in business in the context of globalization. The course will focus on the challenges and opportunities for managers created by cross-national differences in culture, politics, and economics. We will consider how managerial decisions are affected by a cross-national variation in corporate practices and by a growing interconnectedness between people from different countries enabled by internet-based technological advancements.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ilya Okhmatovskiy


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese and English


Mandatory Precedence:

- 1200. Principles of Management


There is no mandatory book for this course. A list of pre-readings will be provided in advance of the class.

Teaching method

Theoretical classes will focus on key ideas, theories, and concepts that will be introduced through interactive debates and further explored using case studies, individual assignments, and work in groups.
Practical classes will focus on discussions, exercises, and group projects that should facilitate better understanding of topics introduced in theoretical classes.

Evaluation method

Final exam - 50%
Group assignment(s) - 30%
Individual assignment(s) and in-class contribution - 20%

Regular Exam Period
Continuous assessment elements: 50% Final exam: 50%

Resit Exam Period
Continuous assessment: 50%
Final exam: 50%

Grade Improvement in Regular Period
Continuous assessment: 50% Final exam (and its weight): 50%

Grade Improvement in Resit Period Continuous assessment weights: 50% Final exam weight: 50%

Subject matter

-    National borders in the age of globalization
-    Globalization of markets and firms
-    National cultures and management
-    Cross-national institutional diversity
-    Why firms go abroad
-    Global value chains
-    Entering foreign markets
-    Executing global strategies
-    HRM and work motivation across countries
-    Corporate governance across countries
-    Innovation & entrepreneurship across countries
-    CSR across countries
Note: Some of these topics may be adjusted during the semester