

This course is devoted to the management and regulation of banking firms. It aims to help students to understand the main strategic issues in retail banking and the risks and regulations faced by the industry.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carla Rebelo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Main textbook:

  • Saunders and Cornett (SC) Financial Institutions Management: a risk-management approach, 8th ed, McGraw-Hill, 2014.

  • A practical textbook covering important material on the course is:

  • Choudhry, Moorad An Introduction to Banking: Liquidity Risk and Asset-Liability Management, Wiley, 2011.

  • Some useful more advanced books are:

  • Bessis, Joel Risk Management in Banking, 2nd ed, Wiley (2002).
  • Resti, Andrea and Sironi, Andrea Risk Management and Shareholders Value in Banking, Wiley, 2007
  • Teaching method

    This course uses a combination of formal lectures and case-study discussions. All students enrolled will form groups of 5 members. All groups are required to submit at least 1 written case report. Graders will allocate groups to cases in order to guarantee a sufficient number of written reports for each case. Students should be ready to share their analyses in class presentations and to actively participate in all class discussions, regardless of having been allocated (or not) a particular case for written report. All case studies identified on the syllabus will be used for assignment and will be discussed in class. All students are assumed to have read and analyzed all case studies and to be ready to publicly present their conclusions and answer any questions posed by the instructor on them. More than one group may be involved in class presentations.

    When cases are assigned to groups, one of the student groups who prepared the written reports will be asked to present to the class their own recommendations. Oral case presentations have a 30 minute time limit. Once the initial presentation is over, other students will be asked to comment on the previous presentation (15 minute time limit). Such comments should emphasize each group´s conclusions and supporting arguments. The discussion is open to all students in the class. Then, the instructor will highlight the main conclusions and the key learning benefits achieved with the case analysis and discussion.

    Written reports are expected to have the quality of presentations by consultants or investment bankers to the Board of Directors of the Company. These reports should specifically address the issues raised by the instructor via a previously posted set of questions. All reports should start with a first-page "executive summary" that identifies main issues and summarizes fundamental recommendations. Then, the report should address the issues raised by the instructor. There is a rather "free format" for the reports, and emphasis should be placed on the originality of the analysis provided and the overall professional quality of the presentation. Mere repetition of case information is strongly penalized. Focus on the key issues is preferred against lengthy presentations of useless facts and data. The latter will also be severely penalized.

    Evaluation method

    Group work and presentation on 2 case-studies (40%)

    Mandatory Final Exam: 50% (minimum exam grade: 9.5)

    Class participation: 10%

    Subject matter

    Particular emphasis is made on customer-focused banking, integrated risk management, interest-rate risk, market risk, capital allocation, value-based measurement, credit risk and it´s pricing. Target audience: participants with a strong interest in banking, financial risk management and business consultancy.