Strategic Marketing
This course approaches Marketing Strategy from the following perspective: how to become more market driven, that
is, how to define a business for the long term, specially choosing markets to serve with adequate products. This usually
means to understand, attract and keep valuable customers.
To fully appreciate the complexity of developing and executing Marketing Strategy students need to focus on a broader set
of strategic questions: How to define and develop a vision, a mission and long term objectives for a firm; how to assess
which resources a firm should possess or control; how to deal with competitors; and how to best use in the short and in
long term the resources a firm currently controls. In the context of marketing strategy the answer to these questions imply a
need for firms to become more market driven. To this last end students are required to think of a relevant strategic
marketing problem and propose, in a short paper, a marketing strategy solution to such a problem.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Luís Traça Borges de Assunção
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
George Day (1999), “The Market Driven Organization”
Any Marketing Management book suck as Kotler and Keller
There is a list of optional readings, with more than 70 books (examples):
1. Aaker, David A. Strategic Market Management. John Wiley and Sons. 2001.
2. Aaker, David A. Building Strong Brands. Free Press. 1996.
3. Aaker, David A. and Erich Joachimsthaler. Brand Leadership, New York: Free Press 2000.
4. Anderson, Chris. The Long Tail. Hyperion. 2006.
5. Bartlett, C. and S. Ghoshal, Managing Across Borders. HBS Press. 2001.
6. Barwise, P. and Meehan, S., Simply Better, Cambridge MA: HBS Press 2004
7. Basch, M. D. Customer Culture: How Fed Ex and other Great Companies Put the Customer First Every Day. Prentice Hall.
8. Bass, F. and J. Wind, eds., Empirical Generalizations in Marketing, special issue of Marketing Science. August 1995.
Teaching method
The class uses a mixture of lectures, cases and paper discussions.
Students will have to read, summarize and present a book on a strategic marketing topic.
Evaluation method
The course will use a variety of evaluation moments and tasks:
Marketing Strategy Paper (30%)
Final Exam (30%)
Book Review (20%)
Individual Case Write-Up (20%)
Class Participation
Subject matter
The course will focus on six main topics:
Value Innovation and Value Strategies
Market Driven Organizations and Growth
Product Portfolio Decisions and Positioning
Competition and Strategic Marketing
Customer Relationships and Branding
Assessing Marketing Strategy Performance