Business Project


The Business Project (BP) Challenge aims to provide students with an integrative hands-on approach to business analysis,
strategy formulation, marketing and planning. It’s purpose is to bring together the concepts learned along the Executive
MBA Program and apply them to a real life business situation, giving traction to concepts learned and applying them to a
real-life business problem.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Leid Zejnilovic


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





-Lynda M. Applegate, Carole Carlson (2014) Develop Business Plans and Pitching Opportunities, Harvard Business
Publishing, Core Curriculum Readings

Teaching method

Students will organize themselves in small groups, each group choosing to work on a real-life business problem. During the
year students will coaching sessions.

Evaluation method

The assessment will be individual and team based, and will be based on the following criteria:
1. Business Management area Knowledge (Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Consulting etc.) – 60%
2. Consistency, commitment and quality of replies to questions – 10%
3. Initial report describing Project and Project Plan – 5%
4. Presentation and report quality -5%
5. Peer review (individual form to be delivered, individually and confidentially on the day you submit your preliminary
version of the presentation, 3 days before the final BP presentation)- 20%
Presentations will involve every element of the team and will last 1 hour, including 40 min for presentation and 20 min for

Subject matter

Present the BP –Kick off plenary Presentation session
Select your Topic and Fine tune it –plenary Work session discussion with all teams on topics and building your project plan
– delivery of initial report and project plan
BP Team Project meetings – Team Work sessions to assess progress
BP Team project Meetings- Plenary session and Team Work sessions
BP Online Coaching Sessions
BP Team project meetings – Finalizing your BP Plenary session and Team Work sessions
BP Online Coaching Sessions
Concluding and Delivering your BP – Plenary session, Team Work sessions and Final Presentations to jury panel. Final
Report and Presentations


Programs where the course is taught: