Strategy and Value Creation
On completion of this course a student should be able to:
A. Knowledge and Understanding:
• Understand where value comes from;
• Understand how strategic decisions, i.e., decisions that determine where and how the company competes,
affect its value creating potential;
• Have an integrated perspective of the Strategy field;
• Have a comprehensive view of the different topics discussed;
• Understand the relevant concepts, models and frameworks;
• Be familiar with the practical tools needed to analyze strategy formulation problems.
B. Skills:
• Develop the analytic skills of students;
• Develop their communication skills;
• Develop their ability to summarize their arguments and go straight to the point;
• Develop their ability to apply the different concepts, models and frameworks to the analysis of real life situations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Adriano Vieira Marques de Jesus Freire
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Economic of Dtrategy, by D. Besanko, D. Dranove, m. Shanley and S. Schaefer, Wiley, 2007 (4th Edition)
Ghemawat, P., Strategy and the Business Landscape, Addison- Wesley, 2005 (2nd Edition); McAfee, R.P.
Competitive Solutions, princeton University Press, 2002; Saloner, G., A. Shepard and J. Podolny, Strategic Management,
Wiley, 2001
Teaching method
This course combines lectures, case discussions, presentations and a team project.
Evaluation method
Assessment: Final Exam (50%) Team Project (25%) Class Participation (25%)
Subject matter
1. Competitive Strategy - Industry structure and competition - Dynamics of price competition - Capturing customer value -
Creating and sustaining competitive advantage - Competition in markets with network externalities 2. Corporate Strategy -
Distinctive capabilities, competitive positioning and strategy formulation - Vertical integration - Product and geographic
diversification - Strategic alliances 3. Strategy and Organization - The strategy-structure-systems approach - The purposeprocess-
people perspective.