The objective of the Strategy course is to gain a thorough understanding as to why some firms perform better than others. We will build on a diverse set of analytical tools and theoretical frameworks to examine how firms can create more value than their competitors, and how they can sustain a competitive advantage over time. We will focus on both internal (e.g. resources and capabilities) and external (e.g. market structure, competition etc) factors that affect firm strategies and their ability to create more value than their competitors. We will look at different levels of strategy, i.e. business-level strategy (determining how to position and compete in a market), corporate-level strategy (determining the boundaries of the firm), competitive strategy and international strategy. We will use case studies from companies operating in diverse industries and diverse geographic settings.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Youtha Cuypers
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese and English
Compulsory pre-requisites:
- 1102. Microeconomics
- 1200. Principles of Management
Besanko, David, David Dranove, Scott Schaefer e Mark Shanley, 2013, The Economics of Strategy, sixth edition, New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Teaching method
? Book chapters
? Examples
? Case studies
? Exercises
? Group work and presentations
Evaluation method
The assessment is based on the final exam (50%) and on components done over the course of the semester. The latter components will account for (50%) and will be based on a group project (TBD), presentation and in class participation during the practical classes.
NOTE: Students are required to have a grade of at least 9.5 (out of 20) in the final exam to pass the whole course (regardless of their continuous assessment grades).
Regular Exam Period
Continuous assessment elements (and their weights):
Group project (25%) Presentation (15%)
In class participation (10%)
Final exam (and their weighting):50 %
Resit Exam Period
Continuous assessment (and their weights) if different than 100%: 0%
Final exam (and its weight): 100%
Grade Improvement in Regular Period
Continuous assessment (and their weights) if the scanning feature doesn’t count 100%: 0%
Final exam (and its weight): 100%
Grade Improvement in Resit Period
Continuous assessment (and their weights) if different than 100%: 0%
Final exam (and their weighting): 100%
Subject matter
Week 1 Introduction: What is strategy?
Week 2 Internal and External analysis
Week 3 Business level strategy
Week 4 Corporate level strategy
Week 5 Acquisitions, Alliances & JVs
Week 6 Competitive Strategy
Week 7 Competitive Strategy
Week 8 International strategy
Week 9 International strategy
Week 10 Strategy Implementation
Week 11 Strategy Implementation
Week 12 Summary & Recap
Topics and order subject to change
Programs where the course is taught: