Active and Healthy Aging


  • Understand the global trends in population ageing and its implications for social protection policies, in particular for the health sector; acknowledge
  • Analyze the implications of inequalities and inequities in health care for active and healthy aging considering the social determinants in health;
  • Discuss the current Government measures regarding the guarantee of quality of life of the elderly population in Portugal in critical perspective and purposeful from case studies;
  • Analyze and develop projects, activities or actions regarding active and healthful aging


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 24

Teaching language



Don´t have


·       Freitas, E.V. & Py, L. (Eds). Tratado de Geriatria e Gerontologia. Guanabara Koogan: Rio de Janeiro. 3ª Ed.2011, 1.750 p.

·        United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013). World Population Ageing 2013. ST/ESA/SER.A/348. Disponível em:

·       Ferreira, Pedro L. e tal. Avaliação multidimensional em idosos Coimbra : Mar da Palavra, 2006. 191 p.

Rodrigues, Teresa R; Martins, Maria RO (Coords). Envelhecimento e Saúde:prioridades políticas num Portugal em Mudança. Lisboa:Hidrográfico

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Lectures in participatory system;

Seminars (critical analysis and discussion of problem situations);

E-learning activities;

Presentation and discussion of the Group''''''''s work.


Individual e-learning activities (20%);

Class participation, attendance (20%);

Written work (60%).

Evaluation method

The limitations that the pandemic has been (and still is) placing on our lives have made us reevaluate the final assessment of our discipline. The final work initially planned was replaced by the set of works delivered throughout the course. The final evaluation, for the purpose of grade, will refer to these works.

Subject matter

  • Population ageing - trends of demographic transition in the world and in Portugal;
  • Epidemiological transition and population ageing;
  • Active and healthy ageing: concepts and controversies;
  • The elderly population in the international agenda;
  • Autonomy and independence in the elderly – how to evaluate?
  • Fragility and the geriatric syndromes;
  • Social determinants in health and its implications for active and healthy ageing;
  • Health promotion and ageing;
  • Institutional strategies for care for the elderly;
  • Formal and informal care for elderly dependents: implications for the act of care;
  • The elderly in society: violence and stereotypes;
  • Work, participation, citizenship and health: the challenge for the elderly population;
  • Bioethics and end-of-life care;
  • Innovative practices in the care of older people and self-management of your health.