Estudos de Casos de Medicina do Trabalho
Students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate the influence of working conditions and activity in the etiology of WRMSD; 2. Know the main WRMSD and risk assessment methodologies and some risk assessment methodologies; 3. Contribute to the development of WRMSD prevention programs in the context of Occupational Health and Safety aiming at the occupational risks prevention and (re) design of work stations; 4. To understand the importance of a systemic and integrated approach to work situations and highlight the complexity of the relationships worker/ environment; 5. Propose Health and Safety prevention programs aiming at the prevention of occupational risks and a suitable protection and promotion of workers'''' health.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 24
Teaching language
Possuir o grau de mestre em Medicina (ou licenciado pré Bolonha); Domínio de leitura em língua inglesa; Esta UC tem como precedência a UC de AGRSO e de FSO. |
– NRC/IOM - Musculoskeletal disorders and the workplace: low back and upper extremities. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001. Panel on Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Workplace. The National Research Council. Institute of Occupational Medicine. – SERRANHEIRA, F., A. UVA, & F. LOPES, Lesões músculo-esqueléticas e trabalho: alguns métodos de avaliação do risco. Cadernos Avulso. 2008, Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho. – ESTRYN-BÉHAR, M. – Guide des risques professionnels du personnel des services de soins. Paris: Editions Lamarre, 1991. – HASSELHORN, H-M.; TOOMINGAS, A; LAGERSTROM, M. – Occupational Health for Health Workers: a practical guide. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1st ed., 1999. – UVA, A.S.; PRISTA, J. – Necessidades e Expectativas em Saúde e Segurança dos técnicos e restantes trabalhadores da saúde. Saúde & Trabalho. 5 (2005) 5-36.
Teaching method
– Theoretical and practical session, supported by audio-visual media; – Analysis and discussion of cases; – Themes are presented in initial theoretical teaching sessions; – Preparation of workgroup (2-3 students maximum), theme, writing in tutorial learning; Work group will be presented and discussed in sessions for all students. – Evaluation: continuous and attendance (20%); – Practical case (50%) – Individual presentation and discussion of practical case (30%)
Evaluation method
– Theoretical and practical session, supported by audio-visual media; – Analysis and discussion of cases; – Themes are presented in initial theoretical teaching sessions; – Preparation of workgroup (2-3 students maximum), theme, writing in tutorial learning; Work group will be presented and discussed in sessions for all students.
Subject matter
· Work-related diseases: WRMSD
· Main WRMSD: Pathophysiology and clinical aspects;
· WRMSD risk assessment and management: models and methodologies;
· Environmental and Medical Prevention;
· Medical monitoring of exposed workers;
· Examples of prevention programs of occupational hazards.