Immunity and Infection
- Understanding the Immune system as a whole;
- Knowing the innate immune response in the anti-infection defense, the T cell-mediated immune response and the humoral response;
- Understanding the mechanisms involved in the regulation of the immune response;
- Knowing the major histocompatibility complex;
- Understanding the different immunization processes;
- Realizing the concepts of infection and disease, infection patterns and mechanisms of pathogenicity;
- Recognizing the evasion mechanisms of microorganisms to the Immune System;
- Understanding the challenges of HIV Infection for the Immune System.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Catarina Martins
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Abbas, A., Lichtman, A.H., Pillai, S. (2018) 9th ed. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. Elsevier.
ISBN 9780323479783.
Arosa, F., Caetano, E., Pacheco, F. (2012) 2a ed. Fundamentos de Imunologia. Lidel.
ISBN 978-972-757-856-6.
Punt, J., Stranford, S., Jones, P., Owen, J. (2019) 8th ed. Kuby Immunology W.H. Freeman and Company.
ISBN 9781464189784.
Murphy, K., Weaver, C. (2017) 9th ed. Janeway's Immunobiology. Garland Science.
ISBN 978-0-815-34505-3
Medical Microbiology, Patrick Murray, Ken Rosenthal, Michael Pfaller. 7th edition, 2015, Elsevier Ltd.
Teaching method
The lectures will be taught by teachers of the Curricular Unit, depending on their respective specializations. Teachers will present the lectures as expositive classes, in an e-learning system with the use of digital platforms, addressing topics considered fundamental, and providing the bases to guide students in their individual study.
Evaluation method
Student evaluation Written final test of 40 multiple choice questions, lasting 60 minutes, in which the student will be excluded if the rating is less than 9.5 values.
Subject matter
- The immune system as a whole;
- The innate immune response in anti-infection defenses;
- Major histocompatibility complex;
- Mechanisms of antigen presentation;
- Maturation of T and B cells;
- Immune response mediated by T cells;
- Humoral response;
- Regulation of the immune response;
- Immunization;
- Immunological mechanisms in infectious diseases and evasion strategies of microorganisms;
- HIV infection and the immune system;