Epidemiology and Methods in Clinical Research
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Prof.ª Doutora Ana Maria Ferreira Rodrigues (FCM|NMS)
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Portuguese or English
· Kenneth Rothman, Epidemiology: An Introduction. 2ªEdição. Oxford University Press, 2012.
· Robert Fletcher, Clinical Epidemiology. 5ªEdição. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.
· Programa estatístico STATA.
Teaching method
Total number of CU hours - 128 hours: 42 hours of lessons and 86 hours of research, private study and development / monitoring of a project.
The 42 contact hours are distributed in lectures (14 hours) and lab sessions (28 hours).
Evaluation method
· Continuous assessment based on attendance and participation in class L and LS (20%);
· Final exam (50%);
· Report and oral presentation where the student demonstrates that he understood the objectives of the project and the methods used and was familiar with the research process (30%).
Subject matter
Presentation and objectives of CU; What is epidemiology and clinical epidemiology; Dependent variables and independent variables; Outcomes measures and Measures of Association; Tests and statistical models; Confounders, Bias, modifier Effect, Interaction, Colinearity; Design, implementation and conduct of research studies; Observational studies; Intervention Studies; Instruments and scales; systematic review of the literature; Meta-analyzes; Sample size and power of the study; Ethics in human research.
Lab sessions:
STATA exercises; Evaluation and discussion of scientific articles; How to do a presentation; scientific projects evaluation; seminars on nutrition and clinical epidemiology applied to some specific diseases and conditions. In addition to the 42h of lessons, students should develop or join / follow an observational or experimental project in the area of epidemiology / clinical research.